1 Invisible

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So this is the first time I write something other than R5- fanfics. I have a huge crush on Timothy Granaderos, decided to write down some stuff going through my head, and suddenly I had enough material for a new fanfic. I really hope you like it!


The school bell rang for to tell us all that the last class was over and it was time to head home. I gathered my books and pen, and put it back in my bag. At least four people shoved me as they passed by me, eager to go get out to their friends waiting for them outside. I was used to that. I was invisible. Cliche right? But I didn't really mind. Not being noticed was a lot better than being bullied and picked on by the popular kids. Better to be a nobody than to be a walking target, I thought to myself as I left the classroom and entered the hallway. And there, as a red line under everything I had just thought, I spotted the people I was most scared would notice me. The football-players. The bullies. They were scaring the crap out of some poor nerd being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and front and center as always was the boss of them all. The head-bully Montgomery de la Cruz. Why is it that the more money your parents have, the uglier person you get? I mean, not on the surface of course. He was actually really good looking. The kind of guy who would make the girls melt at his feet when he looked at them with his brown eyes, smug smirk and bad boy attitude. I would probably be one of them if I wasn't so terrified of him and his crew. I have watched them pick on poor innocent souls for years.

I watched from a far as they laughed and high fived over the poor little guy they had just ruined the day of, and hoped they would head out soon so I didn't have to go through the entire school to exit in the other end. There was no way I was going past them. I pretended to look for something in my locker and got lost in my trail of thought. I got snapped out of it when someone passing me walked straight into my shoulder, causing me to drop my bag on the floor. I turned after whoever it was to give them a piece of my mind, but froze before I could make a single noise. I stared right into the back of the group I was so scared of, and it was Monty himself who had hit my shoulder. He didn't even notice. He didn't apologize. He didn't laugh. He didn't call me names. He didn't even turn around. I was quite simply totally invisible. I was relived, but at the same time somewhat disappointed. I don't even know why...

I walked home from school with my closest friend, Jenna, that day. I usually take the bus, but a couple of times a week I walk with her. We live pretty close to each other and I can not wrap my head around why she would walk back and fourth form school every single day, but she says it's good exorcise. Just another thing we don't have in common. We don't really hang out much on the spare time, because we don't have the same interests. She likes working out, horseback riding and fashion. I like music, acting and video-games. But she's easy to talk to, so that's pretty much what we do the times we actually hang out. "Took you long enough", she smiled as I caught up to her and we started walking. "Sorry, I was stalled by Monty and his crew blocking the exit on their quest to torture", I explained. "I can't believe someone so handsome can be so cruel", she sighed, but I could tell she picturing him naked in her head already. And somehow I don't blame her. The muscular body, tan skin, deep dark eyes and his matching brown hair... Oh god, now she got me started. "Some day he will wake up in the gutter somewhere fat, dirty, broke and ashamed of himself", I said to snap us both out of it. It worked. She made a face of disgust and giggled.

When I got home I didn't have time for much else than a quick meal before I had to get ready to head out again. Acting class. The only thing I was really excited about in my life. The only place i could truly be myself. Acting is the one thing I really know I'm good at. Where it's cool to be good at something, and it doesn't make you a nerd. The one place where I'm not quiet and invisible, and don't wish to be either. My place!

I took the bus down to the theater and entered the room with great pride and self-esteem as always. I had been part of this class for more than a year now and people was looking up to me, asking me for tips and almost fighting to be my partner in all the group activities. And I loved that everyone was taking acting so seriously. We started the class the usual way, everyone sitting in a circle on the floor while our teacher told us the schedule.

"Welcome everyone. For the next weeks we will be diving in to a classic: Romeo and Juliet", she opened. "I will go through the whole story with you, and we have been lucky enough that a couple of experienced actors will be playing out...", she gazed into the hallway behind me. "Welcome", she interrupted herself. "Don't be shy, come on in and join the circle. You are a bit late. Don't make a habit of that", she giggled. I turned around, and felt like I had been hit in the stomach by a cannonball. Not him! Everyone but him! I heard the teacher go on about some experienced actors coming to show us some scenes later in the week, and continue about the story of Romeo and Juliet, but I could not focus on anything other than my worst nightmare entering the room and joining our circle.


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