18 We're not dating

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I had to know what on earth that episode in the cafeteria was all about. I could not get it off my mind the entire day. So when the school bell rang for the last time that day, I said a quick goodbye to Jenna and ran outside to the parking lot. Monty was already sitting in his car and I reached just in the nick of time. I got in his car like it was the most natural thing in the world. He looked confused, yet didn't really seem to have a problem with it. "I have questions..." I said. "Okay. I'll take you home", he said and started the car. We didn't speak during the drive home, but I invited him in once we got there. I was eager to get him behind closed doors so I could finally get some answers to what and why. I dragged him with me through the house and closed the door behind us as soon as we got in my room. "The cafeteria today during lunch... what was that all about?", I asked, cutting right to the chase (no pun intended). "What do you mean?", he said, acting like he had no idea what I was talking about. I gave him a look, telling him stop acting stupid. "You walk by and just look at Chase, and suddenly he's acting like I'm poisonous... There's no way in hell that was a coincident", I said. He sighed. "Okay, so I told him to stay away from you", he admitted. "With just your eyes?". "Yes. The jocks respect me, and a disapproving look is all they need to stay way", he explained. "But why?", I asked again. "Chase is... he's bad news, okay? He's not a good guy in general, and he's certainly not good enough for you", he said while raising his shoulders. I wanted to point out the irony in that statement coming from him, but I decided it was best to just leave it. " And I thought maybe he was going to ask you to prom, so I got a bit... jealous", he admitted, blushing a bit. Monty was jealous? I never even thought about that. "Why? It's not like you asked...", I said, stating the obvious. "I didn't know I could", he replied. I felt so stupid. Here I was making it perfectly clear to him that I don't want anything to do with the guy he was at school, and then I get disappointed when he doesn't ask me to prom. I was sending him mixed signals, and I get why he was confused. I didn't know what to say. "Look, Maya, I have done so much to change. I have worked really hard to be the kind of guy who would be good enough for you. You know that. I might be far from perfect, but I'm working on it every single day. You say that you see the change, and I'm gonna show you I can keep it up. Please, give me a chance to prove it to you", he said, with hope in his eyes.

I thought for a second. There was no denying that I had fallen in love with him. And there was no denying that I saw how he had changed. I wanted to be with him, but I was scared. Scared of getting hurt, and scared of making a big mistake. What would I do if he fell back into his old habits? But I felt like I owed him a shot to prove to me that he could keep himself out of trouble. "Okay. We can stop with all the secrecy", I said. He smiled. "Good. Then it's my turn to ask you a question", he said, smirking. He pulled me in and sat down on the bed with me in his lap. I giggled. "Maya, will you go to prom with me?", he grinned. "Yes", I grinned back, and he pulled me in for a kiss. God, how I had missed his lips. His wonderful and addictive lips. "It's a date", he winked at me, still grinning. "Don't push it, buddy", I chuckled and kissed him again. If someone told me year ago that I would be going to prom with Montgomery de la Cruz I would probably have pissed myself laughing.

I told Jenna at school the next day, and once again she seemed more ecstatic about it than me. She insisted on dress-talk during lunch, and it actually sounded like a good idea. I had no clue what to wear. She went on about dress-colors and accessories, and I zoned out again while pretending to listen. I heard her say my name, and it snapped me out of it and back into conversation. "What?", I asked. She was staring wide eyed at something behind me. "Why is Montgomery de la Cruz heading for our table?", she asked. She actually seemed a bit scared. "I don't know", I said, not even bothering to turn around. Monty sat down on the surface of the table, with his feet on the seat next to me. "Hi", he smirked like only he could. "Hi", I replied, not in any way trying to hide my confusion about why he was at our table. "Hi, you're Jenna, right? Adams girl?", he asked Jenna. "Yes", she said. She looked like she was in shock. "I'm Monty. I'm dating Maya", he grinned, ignoring my annoyed glare. "We are not dating", I said, lightly slapping him on the knee with the back of my hand. He grinned and turned back to Jenna again. "Okay, listen to this, Jenna. I take Maya to the movies, right? Paying for the tickets, the popcorn, the drinks and everything, holding her hand during the entire movie and taking her home after. Now, what would you call that?", he asked her. "A date", she stuttered, trying to get herself together. "It wasn't a date", I said, sighing. "It so was a date", he reassured her, like I wasn't even there. " It was not a date", I repeated myself. "Sounded like a date", Jenna replied. "But we're not dating, so it wasn't", I said. "Sounds like you're dating", Jenna said, smiling mischievously now. "And we're having our second date at prom", Monty said to Jenna. I took a deep breath. "It's not a date", I said, staying calm. "Your friend and I disagree. Jenna, tell her we're dating", Monty commanded Jenna. "You're dating", she said to me, giggling. "Monty, did you want something?", I asked him with an annoyed tone. My tone didn't seem to influence him one bit, thought. He seemed to be quite amused. "Not really. Just wanted to say hi, you know, now that I can", he said, grinning. He dumped down on the seat next to me and put his arm around me. "Don't push it! All the privileges you have earned can easily be taken away from you again", I threatened, making him chuckle. "So I'm guessing no kisses then?", he asked, putting on an innocent act. I just glared at him in return. "Fine. I'll be back for that kiss, though. Nice to meet you, Jenna", he said, and walked back over to the rest of the jocks. I couldn't help but to smile. He was such a goof. I turned back to Jenna again, and she was staring after him with her mouth half open. "How can you be this chocked? I told you everything", I said, chuckling. "I know, it's just so...real all of a sudden. One thing is hearing about it, but seeing this... it's just so... I don't even have the words", she stuttered. I get it. If the roles were reversed it probably wouldn't really sink in with me either until I witnessed it.

After school I ran into him again in right outside the door. "Hey, do you want a ride home?", he asked. "I'd love that, but I promised to walk with Jenna today", I explained. "I can take her home too", he smiled. I asked Jenna if she wanted a ride, and she was in. Most of the cars in the lot was already gone, and it wasn't a whole lot of people left either. Jenna got in the backseat, but as I opened the door to the front seat to get in, Monty jumped in front of it, slamming it shut again. "I will take both of you home, but there's a catch. There is a small fee to be payed", explained to me, with a playful smile. I looked confused at him. "I told you I'd be back for that kiss", he said, pulling me closer to him. I giggled. "So you're trying to con your way to a kiss now, huh?", I smirked. "You know, just a drowning man grasping at straws", he said shrugging. I let him lean in and give me a kiss. I was expecting a quick peck, but what I got was a long and soft kiss. I wanted to just stay there and kiss him for hours, but I remembered that Jenna was in the back seat. I pulled away slowly. He leaned after me, lingering on my lips for as long as he could. "We have an audience", I giggled once he eventually had to pull away. We both turned and looked at Jenna who was sitting in the back seat, again with her eyes wide and her mouth open. We both laughed. 


Who is excited for prom? :D

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