7 Confrontation

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Sunday was used to make a decision. I felt really close to him now. I trusted him and I'm pretty sure he trusted me too. But I felt dishonest about the whole school-thing. Fair enough, it was not my fault he didn't notice me at school, but I didn't exactly tell him either. So I made the decision. Tomorrow I'll talk to him. At school. I'll confront him about the bullying. Maybe all he needs is a real friend.

The first two classes was just a blur. I kept thinking about how I was going to handle it. Should I just make my presence known, keep pretending like I don't see him and wait for him to come to me? Should I pull him aside? Maybe I should just walk right up to him and tell him when he's with his friends? A million different conversations and possibilities went through my head, but as the clock rang to signalize lunch-time I had made my decision. I'm going to text him to meet me in the hallway, and talk to him there. I shoved my books in my bag and started composing the text message while walking out of the classroom, but with my head buried in my phone I managed to crash into someone the second I stepped into the hallway. "Oh sorry", I said, but froze immediately. The white and blue letterman with our schools logo on it that I had just walked into was too familiar. I looked up and straight into Monty's face. He looked so confused, and I probably looked like I was going to cry. So much for telling him gently. "Bitch, watch it!", one of his buddies' spit at me. But neither Monty or I reacted. We just kept looking at each other. "Dude, you coming?", another one of his team mates asked him and hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Go ahead, bro. I'll catch up", he said, not taking his eyes off me. Behind me I could here the jocks laugh as they walked away, and I heard one of them giggle "Dude, she's gonna get it", like it was justice being served.

"I don't know what to say", he said, being the first one to break the silence. "Me neither", I replied. "Why didn't you say anything?", he asked. There was no change in his face-expression. "I don't know. I was going to. I was actually texting you right now. I just didn't know what to say. We've gone to the same school for several years and you've never even acknowledged my existence. And you are... you.", I replied. "What is that supposed to mean?", he asked again, looking angrier now, but still really confused. "Come on, you are Montgomery de la Cruz. The school bully. The professional asshole. Everyone's big fear. Everyone want to be you, everyone wants to be your friend, or girlfriend for that matter.", I said, making a lot of hand gestures. "Wow!", he snorted, and chewed on his bottom lip, before he continued. "I thought you, of all people, saw past that. After everything, that's still how you see me?". "Every time we are alone I see you differently. And every time I tell myself that this dickhead bully is not who you are. But then I come to school, Monty, and I watch you in the hallways beating people up, pushing them around, destroying their stuff... I mean, what do you expect? I really like the guy I hang out with, but I have hated the guy at school for years!", I explained. "I wouldn't do those things to you", he replied. I shook my head. "I doesn't matter, Monty. As long as you do those things to others you will always be an asshole... to everyone else and to me. I would not be comfortable standing next to you as you and your friends do those things" "Wait, hold on! YOU are embarrassed to be seen with ME?", he raised his voice. I clearly hit a nerve there. "Do you know what it would do to your social status at this school to be seen with me. People would be fighting to be your friend", he ranted, clearly pissed off. I realized I really did hit a nerve, and decided to act on it. After everything he have done to fellow students for no reason I figured he could use a piece of his own medicine. "You don't get it, do you? I don't want that. I don't want a life filled with fake friends where I have to pretend to be someone I'm not just to get their approval. I'm sorry. I'm fine with hanging out in acting class or in private, but I don't want people here to know we're friends", I said, probably a lot more cocky than I needed to, but I knew I had the upper hand at this point. I saw the pain fill his eyes as I delivered that last statement, and immediately felt bad. "Fine! It's not like I could be seen with a nobody like you around here anyway", he replied, not hurting my feeling half as bad as I had clearly hurt his. "Good. Then we agree", I pretended to be satisfied with our "deal". "Sure is", he snorted again and left.

I felt really bad for hurting his feelings like that, but the monster had to be stopped. No matter who he was when we were alone together it was no excuse for acting the way he did at school. He deserved it, and hopefully it would sink in. Or maybe I'm just being too confident and I simply just lost a friend...

Back at acting class that same afternoon we didn't speak. Our Romeo and Juliette project was over, and the class was split into four groups to practice emotions. We didn't make the same group, and as the class ended he was already out the door before I had even picked up my bag.


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