12 That kind of girl

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Our eyes locked and I felt that special kind of tension build again. His eyes melted me as usual, and his lip suddenly felt like magnets to me. God, I wanted to taste those lips. Then I remembered the conversation I overheard him have with one of his friends. The one where he admitted to being into a girl. I didn't want to be the one to ruin that. If this girl knew where he was spending his time it could already be ruined. That's when he started leaning in. I had a choice to make, and I had to make it fast. Should I just live in the moment and let him kiss me? Should I do what I wanted to do? Or should I stop him from making a mistake? I made my choice. I was not that kind of person. I placed my hand on his chest to stop him. "We shouldn't. I would hate to be the reason why someone else gets hurt", I said. I sighed, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't know", he said. Didn't know? I looked at him again, confused this time. "Didn't know?", I asked. "I didn't know you were involved with someone else", he explained, but I was still confused. "Me? But... I'm not. Aren't you?", I said. "What? Who told you that?", he asked back, releasing his grip around my waist. "No one. I doesn't matter really. I just don't want to be the one who ruins anything or hurts someone", I said. "No one, huh? That's funny, because I only told John", he said, raising his voice a bit. "So John is spreading this around school. I'm gonna kill him", he said, getting angry. "It's not John", I said, trying to calm him down. "Well, I didn't tell anyone else, so that pretty much narrows it down to just John", he replied, still angry. I had to come clean. I could not let him believe that the only guy he trusted with a secret had betrayed him. "It's not John. I overheard your conversation. My locker is right outside that classroom, and I heard you talking. I listened, okay? I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry. I let the curiosity get the best of me. Do not take this out on John", I explained, feeling ashamed. He sighed, but seemed to calm down again. He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the couch. He sat down, and I sat next to him.

"Okay, listen", he started, "I have met a girl. A girl who is smart and sweet and a bit goofy. She is very special to me, because she can make me feel like no one else can. Somehow she can see the me behind all the layers. She just gets right to my soul. She makes me feel safer and calmer that anyone else can. She's funny, caring, everything I need and everything I want. She's pretty perfect", he told me. Once again I felt my heart sink, and my stomach was twisting. I felt like throwing up. I was, without a doubt, jealous. "She sounds amazing", I said, faking a smile. "She is, there's only one problem. She is way too good for me. She's the best and kindest person I know, and she would never be with a bully like me. She's embarrassed to be seen with me because of the person I am around others, and I get it. I don't stand a chance with her unless I change, but it's really hard. I'm not the vulnerable type, but she makes me want to be", he said. I wanted to comfort him and tell him what I thought he would want to hear, but the truth is that I kind of agreed with the girl. Not the part where she's too good for him, but the part where she didn't want to be with a bully. I would probably have said the same thing. "How does she feel about you spending so much time here with me?", I asked. He shook his head lightly, almost like he was annoyed but tried to hide it. "Don't worry about that.", he said. "It might give her the wrong idea", I explained. "It won't.", he tried to assure me.

It hurt. It really hurt. I had not really wanted to admit it to myself until this very moment, but this pain made it impossible to deny anymore. I was not just mesmerized by his eyes or attracted to his good looks. I had fallen in love with him. Head over heels. I was in love with Montgomery de la Cruz, and it was nothing I could do about it. The only thing I knew for sure is that he can not find out about that. He needs his friend, and that's all I'm going to be. I plastered on the best fake smile I could, and thought to myself that this is when the acting comes in handy. I can do this!

"So, tell me more about her. What is she like?", I asked, trying my best to sound happy for him and ignore the pain I was feeling. He seemed a bit nervous for some reason. "She's the kind of person who would let you in if you stand outside her window at night in need of a distraction. She's the kind of girl who'll push you to try new things and step out if your comfort-zone, and be there supporting you every step of the way. She's the kind of girl you would feel comfortable telling your secrets too, or speak too about anything. The kind of girl who takes way too long to catch on, and even though it's a bit annoying it's adorable. The kind of girl that would make me leave a party on a Saturday night to just hang out and watch scary movies...".

Wait? Is he talking about me?


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