17 It's time

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For two and a half weeks we spent all our time practicing that kiss, and I loved every second of it. I had been holding back and denying my true feelings for him for a long time, and it felt really good and deliberating to get to kiss him almost every day, and just use the play as an excuse. The truth is that I was falling in love with him, and even though I refused to admit it to myself I knew damn well it was true.

It was finally time. Time to prove to people how hard we had worked, time for all the hours of rehearsing to be put to the test, and time to kiss Monty in front of more than a hundred people. And I was a bit nervous. It was not my first time on stage in front of this many people, but it was my first time kissing someone on stage. I really wanted it to be believable. The first scenes was a cakewalk. We had rehearsed that so many times that I didn't even need to focus. It all just came naturally while my body was on autopilot. We were closing in on the kissing scene and Monty and I was waiting backstage for it to be our turn to get back on stage again. If I was nervous there would be no word strong enough to describe how he was feeling. I was genuinely afraid he was going to just run away. "How are you so calm?!", he asked while pacing restlessly back and forth. "It's not gonna be half as scary as you picture it in your head right now", I tried to comfort him, but it didn't work. I had to calm him down somehow.

I grabbed his arm to stop him from pacing and placed a firm and hard kiss on his lips. "I'm probably never gonna tell you this again, but use the confidence you have at school. Just pretend you're at school", I said, hoping it would have some effect. "I'll try, but I don't know if I can", he explained. "If everything else fails then remember the advice I gave you last time. Focus on me, only me!", I said as they called our names for the last and final scene.

It was time for the big finally. The kiss that was gonna make us go out with a boom. My palms were sweaty, my heart was racing and I couldn't breathe properly. I turned towards him, and he towards me. This was it. The final moment. We locked eyes and involuntarily I was taking my own advice. My heart stopped racing and I could finally breathe again, as everything and everyone around us faded away. I was just me and him. All I could see was him, all I could hear was him breathing, all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him. And when he finally pulled me in and placed his lips softly on mine it felt like the easiest and most natural thing in the world. He pulled back and our surroundings was starting to fade back in. "Perfect! Brilliant! It was fantastic! You nailed it!", our teacher squealed of excitement. The curtain had dropped and we had managed to end the performance with a bang!

We stood outside saying goodbye to everyone after the play had ended. "I'm kind of relieved, yet sad, that the whole thing is over", I said to Monty. "Me too. I had a lot of fun rehearsing though", he grinned. "At least we can finally hang out and do something that doesn't involve reading lines and kissing", I chuckled. "You say that like it's a good thing", he smirked. "Are you ready to leave, Honey? Dad and I will wait in the car", my mum said as she passed by us. "I'll be there in a second", I yelled after her. "I wanted to ask you something before you go", Monty said. "Sure", I replied. " Would you let me take you out again sometime? You know, on another not-date", he asked, with a playful smile. "As long as it's not a date", I winked, joking back. "Alright. It's...not...a date", he confirmed and we laughed. We said goodbye and I went home with my parents.

I filled Jenna in before school the next day. And at lunchtime we met in the hall. "So are you going to this thing", she asked. "What thing?", I asked back. "Hello?! Have you been living under a rock for the last weeks? Everyone is talking about it! Look around you!" she said, flapping her arms. There was prom posters plastered on every wall. I had been so consumed by the play that I had totally forgotten about the whole prom. We entered the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table. She was blabbering on about the guy she was dating, how he had asked her to prom and what dress she was going to wear. I was pretending to listen. I kind of wanted to go to the prom, but I didn't want to go stag. And it wasn't likely that anyone would ask me anyway. A couple of jocks approached us, and Jenna got up to throw herself around the neck one of them. I figured that would be her new boyfriend. "Maya, this is Adam", he said, grinning from ear to ear. "Hi", I said, and he said hi back. One of Adams friends sat down next to me and smiled. "I'm Chase", he introduced himself. "Why haven't I seen you before?", he asked. "I don't know. I guess people like me aren't really on your radar", I replied. "Oh, you would definitely be on my radar", he replied, looking at me like I was a piece of steak. "So, do you have a date to prom yet?", he continued asking. I didn't really want to go with a guy like him, but I didn't want to go alone either. An if there's one thing I've learned over the past months it's that you do not judge someone by their first impression. Then something very strange happened. Monty was passing by our table, and he locked eyes with Chase. I have no idea of what kind of unspoken conversation went on between them in those few seconds, but it was obviously something. Chase stood back up. "I should get going. Nice to meet you, Maya", he said, and suddenly he showed no interest in me at all. He barely even looked at me. I turned around and looked at Monty, who quickly looked away as I turned. He had clearly been watching us. What just happened?


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