33. His POV

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A\N: I'm changing the point of view for this chapter. I hope that isn't confusing for you guys. I think it will add something to the story. I've done it before in my other stories. If it works I might do it again. Let me know in the comments if you prefer if it's only one pov and not an occasional switch back and forth.

Song of the chapter: I Can't Wait- PJ Morton. It perfectly encapsulates how Will is feeling. Enjoy!

Will's POV

Wednesday, December 29th

Hard Rock Stadium Miami, Florida
9:37 am

Coach stood in front of a large whiteboard talking about gameplays. We'd finished practice for the day and I was beaten.

I leaned my head against the locker behind me and took a deep breath. I was sweating and my chest was burning with heat.

I'd been here for 5 days and I still wasn't used to the heat in Flordia. It was so humid out that every breath I took felt heavy and hot.

I took a swing of my water and tried to calm my racing heart.

"Hey, you okay?" Sean stood beside me, helmet in hand.

I shrugged. "Yeah. I'm fine."

He gave me a look of disbelief and I looked away from him.

I didn't want to talk about what was bothering me. I wasn't even sure what was bothering me.

"You guys are looking great out there. I just need some of you to take this more seriously. This is the last shot for some of you."

He looked at me and turned away. "I can tell that some of you don't have your heads in the game."

"This isn't the time to become complacent. We've worked too hard to not win."

I looked down at my hands and picked at the dirt underneath my fingers.

"I need you all to rest and up and stay out of trouble for the 1st."

Mumbling and groaning were shared amongst my teammates.

"I don't want to hear it!" Coach barked at us. "I know you all want to go out and party on New Year's Eve but I swear if any of you show up to the game the next day and you're not giving your 100%, I'm benching you."

I wasn't in the mood to party and drink in two days. I wasn't in the mood to do anything for that matter. My mind wasn't on anything but...well...I just can't think about anything like that right now.

I already knew Sean was going to drag me to some party though. He'd started dating Gen at the beginning of the semester and they were inseparable and also wanted to go out and have fun all of the time. And I mean like all the time.

She was flying in today and Sean was very excited. He'd probably try and drag me to go out with him. But I didn't want to be a third wheel right now. Don't get me wrong I liked Gen, she was great, but I wanted to stay in my hotel room and do nothing right now.

"Captains." Coach gestured to me and Cooper. "Go ahead."

Cooper stood up and clapped his hands together. "We've come this far. One goal and one chance. You can bet your asses we're gonna make history on Friday."

He paused and looked at me.

I stood up straighter and felt the eyes of everyone in the room on me. "Guys we're here because we busted our asses all semester. And for some of us this is it. Our final games at OSU."

I looked around the room at the seniors. Most of us wouldn't get the chance to play pro so these would be our last games.

"I know we have a lot riding on this but remember what we came to do:...."

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