Myeong family gets more than one family member

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A pregnant silence followed as everyone looked at Min Ah for all the answers. Not shying away from their looks, she took a deep breath and said, "What you guys have been seeing is the beginning--and that is important, sure. But it is not important for what I am trying to save. I have visited many universes and many timelines and I know one thing for sure. Like I know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west that whenever a Joeng Tae Eul is born in the world, she always ends up with Lee Gon."

Shin Jae wanted to wake from this really unrealistic dream, who wanted to listen to someone saying that the girl he was in love with is destined to be with someone else in all universes and time. He didn't even have the energy to scoff at the King's gigantic  smile. 

Eun Seob was listening like he had won the lottery, which made Na-ri shake her head at him. She should really invest in a psychologist for the man child. Taking the silence and different emotions as a sign for continuation, Min Ah continued her story. 

"So, that was the reason what Eun Ah was doing was all wrong, it was not the right method. Nothing will change even if you guys see this. It was fate for all these interactions to take place and fate will assign itself to take its natural course no matter the interruptions it may encounter."

Wook was rubbing his head confused, "Her Majesty! Already this science time travel thingy is confusing as it is. Can you explain it in layman terms please."

"Oh you cousin! Are you slow brained! What she said was the thing that needs changing isn't the old King and Queen's story. It is the after that-the future from where you came from. Because whatever happens the King and Queen always end up together. The thing we need to change is not their life, it is the next generation's life, ours" Wook's cousin said mockingly smirking.

"You know just because you are older you can't call me slow brained, when you are the biggest one of out all" Wook said mumbling.

"Why not! I am older and my mother is also older to your mother. My mom named me Kang Chul for a reason" he replied still smiling. 

Eun Ah cleared her throat drawing their attention, "Guys! I think they are kinda shocked." 

Shocked was a small term for what they were experiencing. The King looked like he expected what they were saying, but Min Ah knew her father well enough. He too was shocked which can be only found by his widening of his eyes for a fraction of second.

Her mom, she knew wouldn't believe anything until she was told the whole story. It was the detective in her, which made her question every answer she received. Her uncle Jo Yeong was looking down, maybe to stop his mind from spinning out of control. She could never tell it with him. He was the one person she was unable to read clearly from.

Her aunt Seung Ah looked to be doing some soul searching inside her brain. She had the same look whenever she needed to find answers only her head could provide for whatever PR stunt she would pull next.

Her Republic Uncle and Aunt were looking at them like they were told Christmas came early. She knew Aunt Na-ri aunt was always excited to know anything about fate, astrology. And her Uncle Eun Seob was always smiling. She had a running bet with her siblings that he was dropped on his head when he was younger like her brother was. 

"I know it is really overwhelming, but I am running out of time here. So, please believe me" Min Ah said.

Jo Yeong startling himself out of his stupor asked the question that was burning inside everyone's mind, "You want us to believe you, but we don't even know you. Who you are? And why you are here? No vague answers please. The situation is too much to handle as it is."

"Very well, I will go firs..." Min Ah started when Kang Chul held her hand and said, "Let me introduce myself, I am Kang Chul and Jo Wook's older cousin."

A gasp escaped from Seung Ah, "Wait Kang as in the man, my sister is marrying in a year."

"Exactly, nice to meet you Aunty. You age beautifully"

Eun Seob not wasting a moment then said, "If you are her nephew.." Na-ri continued saying "And if you are Wook's cousin..." Seung Ah completing their sentence with wide eyes said "He is my future son." 

"Hi Mommy" Wook let out a tiny wave at her expression. 

"What about your father, who is he?" Seung Ah asked in a little voice her shock from the information overload still coursing through her body.

At this everyone stared at her, "What?" Seung Ah squeaked.

"Sweetie, I think everyone knows the answer to the question. Even Tae Eul knows and she is the last person to pick up most of the cues in a relationship" Na-ri replied patting her shocked doppelganger on the back softly.

"Hey!" Tae Eul bellowed offended. The King tried pacifying her and asked in a small whisper which of course was echoed throughout the space, "Who is the father?"

"Then they were two" Eun Ah said looking at her father, sometimes he acted like the word genius meant clueless sometimes.

"It's me, isn't it?" Yeong said his face not revealing anything like he was reciting a newspaper headline with the flattest tone possible.

Wook just smiled and everyone could see the resemblance between the two at that instant while the King was looking at everyone shocked with his eyes and mouth wide open. 

Yeong in a relationship is the only thought in his mind.

Kang Chul - He is Wook's cousin from maternal side and is the companion of Min Ah

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Kang Chul - He is Wook's cousin from maternal side and is the companion of Min Ah.

At last with a new chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Tell me all your suggestions and critics.

Happy Valentine you guys ❣❣


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