Seeing is believing

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Wook didn't know his father's doppelganger was this talkative as he had never met this person before in his life, Eun Seob for some reason completely left Eun Ah alone after she glared at him for asking questions after questions and latched onto Wook for answers. 

"Did I get a driver's licence?"

"How many kids do I have?"

"What job do I in the future?"

Eun Ah stifled a smile at the exasperated look Wook sent her, she could feel her father's younger version's gaze on her. She knew he had somewhat of an idea of who she was but for some reason was just silently observing. Her mother did once say to her that her father was one of the cleverest people she knew and how similar Eun Ah was to him. Eun Ah stuck close to Shin Jae as they were walking towards the bamboo forest since he was the one person she felt no anxious towards.

Wook and Eun Ah stood next to each other looking at the four people sitting on the only bench near the telephone booth in the bamboo forest. 

"What are you kids waiting for?" Pyeha ( King) asked seeing their glances at each other. 

Eun Ah nudged Wook to say while he nudged her right back saying "You say ,"

"No, you"

"I am ordering you"

"Fine" Wook stuck out his tongue at the princess and said "We need three more people before we can start". Shin Jae was fed up with these kids even though something was bothering him about the girl, now what, they wanted to include more people into this charade. 

"Who?" Tae Eul asked eager to finish whatever they wanted to show her. She couldn't still believe what they were saying but they brought her to the same forest that man brought her yesterday. These many coincidences doesn't happen in real life. "We need Myeong Na-ri , Jo Yeong and Myeong Seung Ah before we can proceed further " Eun Ah said ignoring Eun Seob-ah's happy cry of "I knew Na-ri-ya is my future".

Tae Eul froze, she knew the strange man said Jo Yeong name before to her and another girl with the same surname as Na-ri , she started to believe in this parallel world and doppelgangers nonsense little by little. If whatever that strange man said was true then he was really, "You are really the King!" she exclaimed, her mind connecting the dots at the King sitting next to her.

Turning in her direction, he looked Tae Eul straight in the eyes and said "Yes, I'm the King of the Kingdom of Corea and the name, that can't be called, is Lee Gon". 

Tae Eul stared at the man, Lee Gon with confusion, awe, wonder and fear. He brings out all the emotions out of her and she never felt like this before.

Shin Jae cleared his throat loudly when he noticed Tae Eul and that man staring at each other and whispering something. They both looked at him startled and focused their attention on Eun Ah once again, seems like no one noticed the whispering of both of them. 

"So Eun Soeb-nim can you call Na-ri here and explain everything once she gets here" without waiting for a confirmation she turned to the King and said "Jo Yeong and Seung Ah will be waiting at the other side already, I trust you know what to do Pyeha". 

She looked at him in the eye and said emphasizing on the word 'Pyeha' as Lee Gon nodded at her with a curious expression on his face. 

It took about an hour to gather everyone around the region between 1 and 0 but they did it, and now at the least everyone believed when Eun Ah and Wook-ah said they were from the future.

Few minutes ago in the Kingdom of Corea,

"Pyeha where are you taking us , and that to why Ms. Myeong is with us?" the upright unbreakable sword asked His Majesty as he was taking them after returning from god knows where and ordering him to accompany him somewhere all the more.

"I told you Yeongie we are going to the parallel world, that was the place I was in and now when we are going to see the future and both of your presence was requested" Lee Gon said like he was reading a chapter from a book and not sprouting some weird nonsense. 

Myeong Seung Ah was just looking at the handsome faces of the King and His unbreakable sword. She wasn't listening to anything the king was saying and blurted out the first thing that came out of her mouth when she noticed them suddenly going quiet and looking at her to speak something, , "So is JoGon true?".

Author's Scribblings : We have all the main characters here, just wait till the next chapter to see their reactions. My dear audience, you are in for a fabulous chapter.

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