Not every story goes the same way

287 17 9

Republic of Korea, 2019

Tae Eul is leaving her home when she notices the King, "what are you doing here?"

"I know what 'half and half' means too. I am coming with you."

"No, you aren't. Have quality time with your seventh-grade official" saying this she smiles and leaves leaving him to look at her.

As she is walking down the stairs his words from earlier goes through her mind, "Anything else? Is there any other reason? The reason why I have to stay in your world. Could there be a reason?"

"Those words really did leave a giant impact on you Unnie" Na-ri said smiling looking at the blushing Lieutenant who was avoiding eye contact with any one.

Contemplating for some time Tae Eul then messages some one and goes back the way she came towards the King who is standing in the same place as she left him. She stands outside for a second and looks at him with a look that clearly conveys who is he really?

"Why are you still here? Will you keep standing here?"

With a pout on his face the King replies, "You really shouldn't treat me like this."

"Why not?"

"Because it upsets me."


"Why would you leave me? You are the only person I know in this world."

Offended Eun Seob asks, "What about me? Am I chopped liver?"

"You are driving me crazy."

"How about now? Is it good crazy or bad crazy?" the King asked whispering to her silently making goosebumps appear on the Lieutenant's skin. She resisted the urge to blush by glaring at him who replied with a heart-stealing smile.

"Fine. Since you brought it up, let me ask you. Why am I the only person you know in this world? You act like you know me, but I don't know you. How do you know me?" Tae Eul questioned her confusion increasing with every thing the King was doing and saying.

"I acquired your Id card 25 years ago. To be precise someone lost it."

"Twenty-five years ago? Who lost it?"

"You know I don't who you take after at all" Wook said turning towards Eun Ah.

"Well, you know Min-Ah said once this to me when I asked her the same question. She said that she took after mother fully, while I was mix of both of them with all their impulsiveness and stubbornness together. And you know that Jung Ah is a carbon copy of father. This is really making me miss them."

Wook didn't know what to do, other than scold himself for opening such a topic. The both of them didn't even look at the screen as Wook was trying to console a grief stricken Eun Ah. He was trying to hide her from other's view in such a Eun Seob's way also. Wook let out a breath of relief when he noticed no one was paying to them, even his future father was busy, wait was he looking at his mother. Good job, that was what he should have been doing from million years ago.

Just then they heard a loud vehicle scrapping sound outside which made them look at each other for a minute before both of them running to look who was outside.

It was a woman and a man in their mid or late twenties who appeared to be middle of a fight in the middle of an accident. When the King and Queen walked their towards their way to help them and check the people for any injuries the couple got onto their bike quickly just as they had come and went away without even taking their helmets off for a second.

"Weren't they the same people who was at the restaurant?" Shin Jae asked his voice dripping with suspicion.

"Hey that was the same people from the car accident too just before Tae Eul noona met King Arthur" Eun Seob-ah added making everyone rewind what they saw.

"Oh my! what are they doing. They just had an accident" the Lieutenant said looking at the disappearing vehicle in dismay.

Noticing the King was looking at the disappearing vehicle in silence she poked him in the ribs and asked, "What are you thinking about now?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking if I have seen them before."

"Oh! right your parallel world. And what were you saying before that someone lost my Id card 25 years ago."

"I'm still looking for the person. The person seems to be related you."

"Of course. If that person had my Id card, they have to be related to me somehow....."

The screen stopped playing making everyone confused, this didn't happen till now. It wasn't like the screen ran on electricity or anything. It was magic which was still not explained properly by the future kids. Eun Ah and Wook looked at each other with a look that clearly conveyed 'what the hell is happening'

Suddenly everyone were startled out of their seats by the giant breaking sound they heard. It was like someone was trying to enter inside the region between 1 and 0. The sound was so deafening and the place was shaking like a earthquake was taking place.

Yeong grabbed Wook's shoulder while keeping a firm hold on Seung Ah and shouted, "What happening? Why is this place like this suddenly?" The place shook like it was going to fall right on top of them, then the ground vibrated like it was going to split open and suck them into it. The King and Shin Jae kept a tight hold on Tae Eul exchanging fearful glances, Na-ri was holding onto a scared Eun Seob tightly not even letting him breath properly while Yeong was mostly hiding Seung Ah with his body taking a look at the King while glaring at the future kids. His looks clearly conveyed, he was suspecting them behind this. 

Eun Ah stood up the group huddle somehow and made her way silently to where they first entered into the region between 1 and 0. Wook tried calling her back but seeing her stubbornness, he followed her on wobbly foot falling down many times while trying to catch up with her. 

As Lee Eun Ah neared the portal, which was opening from the Republic of Korea everything just stopped. All the earthquake, the sound. Only the relieved sound of the group members could be heard. 

Two people walked out of the portal, a familiar man and a woman. Wook let out a gasp after he stood up from the face-fall on seeing them, which was echoed in the region. Eun Ah staggered back in shock, her voice very low but clearly asking, "! How? Ho.....w?"

The two new people who looked worst to wear with bandages all over the body and there face bruised and tired looked shared a look between each other. The woman walked upto Eun Ah her face contrasting with anger and said, "What have you been doing, did you know the consequences your action has brought?"

Seriously thanks for the comments guys, it made me really think the way the story should be going. I hope you guys will like the new angle - I was excited to finally write about it. I hope you guys aren't disappointed.

And I hope you can vote and comment on every chapter.

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