She is Here!

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The woman walked up to Eun Ah her face contracting with anger and said, "What have you been doing, did you know the consequences your actions have brought?"

Wook's mind and focus was all on the man who was beside the woman, and yes he was shocked and all seeing the woman but he couldn't believe what was in his front of his eyes. He even forgot about Eun Ah for a second. Even though his body ached all around from falling continuously, he couldn't stop his hand from landing a punch on the man who was standing and smiling widely looking at everyone. 

"Everyone said you went back to Canada and was safe. But I didn't believe it for a second. No word from you or about you from anyone, it was like you fell off the earth completely. Didn't even think to inform me about you" Wook yelled at the man grabbing his collar his expression wild with hurt.

Even Eun Ah and the woman stopped whatever they were going to speak to look at them. No one has seen Wook lose control before or be this volatile before. It was entirely very similar to seeing a cold hearted Jo Yeong at his stead. 

Twisting the hands that was holding his collar, the man said still smiling very widely replied sarcastically, "I am sorry, was I supposed to wait outside the airport restroom forever knowing you had escaped already to the Palace leaving me there. I am not the one at fault, I didn't have the means to contact you. You were dead remember and no one knew who I was."

Still glaring at him Wook calmed down a bit to see what Eun Ah thought about this sudden development. It wasn't neither pleasant or unpleasant but it sure was a hell of a surprise. And what the man said was true nonetheless, he was dead according to everyone. 

Yeong couldn't take it anymore, the secrets these kids are keeping seems to be multiplying second by second and he could bet that, the newcomers seems to know more about the situation they seemed to be spider-webbed in. 

The man taking the woman's hand who was still glaring at the stupefied Eun Ah steered towards the group where everyone were sitting once again since the freaky weather and shaking seems to have stopped upon the new comers entry. 

Before the man could open his mouth, Eun Ah who finally seemed to comprehend the situation and the identity of the woman ran up to her and bear hugged her crying. "Where were you? I was so so scared. You told me you would always be with me. Why did you leave? If you were fine why didn't you come to me, find me. I missed you. I missed everyone. Is everyone safe then. I love you, please don't leave me again Eunnie[1]."

The woman, Lee Min Ah smiled at her sister before looking down at her face and softly wiping her tears said, "I am sorry, it took me so much time to come to you. I am sorry for leaving you alone all these years. My sister has grown so much, you are a young woman now taking decisions for yourself. But this one was wrong Eun Ah-ya. This isn't the way to save our family. I should have found you sooner, cause the story you know about that day isn't all true. You don't know the real reason why our family died."

Tae Eul had tears in her eyes, watching what was happening in front of her. She could feel that Lee Gon also felt the same as her. The sisters revealed many things to them in fraction of seconds. If their family was dead, that means Lee Gon and her were dead. Her two future daughters were separated for so many years. She didn't want anyone to die after she saw her mother's death due to cancer when she was five. That's the reason she was always distant from people, only keeping to childhoods friends and colleagues. But since meeting Lee Gon she knew the life from then would be difficult just as it would be beautiful. But could she pursue this relationship, this feelings knowing her daughters would be in the same position as her. She only lost her mom, but it looks like they will lose their whole family. Can she condemn her own flesh and blood with this. Was it worth it?

Her thoughts were broken by Eun Seob asking the question most of them wanted the answer to, "Sorry to cut the tearful reunion short, I am not understanding any of this."

"Well I suppose I owe you guys an explanation" Min Ah said her stance straight regarding them with her face not betraying any emotion she was feeling like she was trained for it. As they were talking the layout changed around them subtly the sofa became a little round and another sofa appeared opposite to it. Practically it looked like a round table conference setting minus the table. 

The screen disappeared as well as the youngsters sat looking at their younger version family.

Eunnie[1] - Elder sister

Lee Min Ah - The crown princess of the Kingdom of Corea, the future Queen

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Lee Min Ah - The crown princess of the Kingdom of Corea, the future Queen. Daughter of King Lee Gon and Queen Jeong Tae Eul, Elder sister of Lee Eun Ah and Lee Jung. The gem of the Kingdom. 

I know I am like real late, but for some reason I couldn't access wattpad at all. It kept glitching that I couldn't access the website or the app. I don't know what the reason is. I completed the chapter in the phone, so forgive me if there are any mistakes. And do tell and discuss with me your point of views regarding the story and it's arc. Keep giving me your suggestions and votes cause it is like an energy booster for me.

bye! see you soon:)

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