The Gang is here

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...."So is JoGon true?".

Gon and Yeong stared at the new PR staff and blinked at her blankly. It was eerie how both of them had the same twinning expression. Seeing this Myeong Seung-Ah just said,"Nothing, anyway time travel and parallel worlds ah? Why not ? I am game for anything."

"Then it's settled and Yeong don't use violence unless I say so" Gon and said sternly to his unbreakable sword before the three ventured to the place where the King's heart was resting already.

The region between 1 and 0 :

Gathering a group of people was hard, Eun Ah never had such a problem in her life. She was born as the princess of a Kingdom where everyone adored the Monarch's family so naturally people flocked around her. Even when she was living as though she was dead, the rebel group did flock around her naturally appointing her as the leader, everyone always believed in her. But that was so not the case here, here she was the outlander, the foreigner, the stranger whom they could not trust and she understood their reasoning but that doesn't mean it was not frustrating as heck.

Introductions between the doppelgangers were by far the oddest and awkward meeting Eun Ah had ever seen in her life and she has spent time with foreign ministers who spoke with poison in their eyes and smile on their face. As expected Eun Seob-ah was shocked and promptly fainted while the only reaction Yeong showed was a light widening of his eyes. 

While Na-ri took everything in stride as she was a vivid believer in all things fate and destiny. Wook never realized before but his mother was kinda cool, she expressed shock first, now she seemed to accept her situation and was getting along with her doppelganger whereas his younger version of his father was glaring daggers at the Lieutenant.

"So if all could like introduce yourself, so that there is no confusion between ourselves, it would be great" Wook said to the viewing party. 

"Then I shall start, I am the King of Kingdom of Corea and my name can't be called by others, so", saying this he gestured someone else to speak while Shin Jae muttered something understand his breath, something distinctly like 'imperious jerk'.

Noticing the angry look Gon's bodyguard and her childhood friend's double was giving her, Tae Eul cleared her throat and said, "Jeong Tae Eul, I am a detective". Like this it went on,

"Kang Shin Jae , detective",

"Jo Eun Seob , I am a public service worker",

"Myeong Seung-Ah , I work in PR office at the palace",

"Jo Yeong, I am the unbreakable sword of His Highness so don't even think about trying to hurt him" Everyone gave a look at him that conveyed he was insane for even suggesting that.

"Okay then, I am Myeong Na-ri , I own a cafe". 

"Now you guys, you didn't tell us your name still," Tae Eul said looking at the time travelers. "We didn't, I distinctly remember doing that already" Wook-ah hesitantly said exchanging a look with Eun Ah but started talking noticing the glare the future Queen directed at him, Wow she was scary.

"Well I am Wook and she is Eun Ah, then let's go sit" he said quickly gesturing at the sofa in front of a large screen that suddenly appeared in front of them as soon as he spoke. Without further discussion the group made their way to sit on the large curved sofa.

Jeong Tae Eul noticed Lee Gon lagging behind as everyone went to sit, "You are too quiet today something's up what is it?" she asked noticing his face. Gon's lips quirked upwards a little at her for noticing something about him already and said, "I am shocked you didn't notice"

"Notice what?"

"Two people from the future, came to you and asked you specifically for help to save their family, their future family because,"

"Because..... we are their family, aren't we, b..but how and that means....," Tae Eul added as she hesitated answering her own question looking at Gon.

"One of them could be my child or yours or better yet ours" saying this he left leaving a stunned Tae Eul behind.

Author's Scribblings : Ooooh! Lee Gon caught on already. What do you think? Will others figure it out too?

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