Best plans are the ones which are unplanned

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Convincing people should not be given as a job to Jo Wook, he is only good at protecting others and standing around looking pretty because as soon as the late Queen agreed to help them, Wook told them about them coming from parallel world and the future. Eun Ah was glaring at him for blurting out the truth like that, the neon lights in the restaurant were making her eyes look extra scary than normal to him.

"Are you by any chance related to that so-called King" Tae Eul asked.

She could convince herself that when one person sprouted facts about a parallel world that he was out of his mind but she can't help but be sceptical when two other people keep sprouting the same nonsense with an added twist of time travelling. Maybe they were members of a cult. 

"He doesn't know us, but will you help us first because we have to show you something which will make you believe us " Eun Ah said detaching herself from any emotional thoughts about the mirage of her mother sitting in front of her. The woman in front of her wasn't her mother, so Eun Ah is just going to treat her as a person who could help her and being emotional never helps any situation. She knew this, she was a princess so she knew how to restrain herself. That was what she was saying to herself.

Just then the restaurant door opened with a bang, the King , Eun Seob and Shin Jae entered looking for someone. The expensively dressed man grabbed Tae Eul's hand while looking all over her for any injuries and asked "Are you okay? What happened? Did something happen? The call ended after I heard you shouting something like nO." 

Jeong Tae Eul's eyes softened for just a fraction of second before an angry expression overtook her face. 

"How did you know I'll be here? and why are guys with him?" she asked pointedly looking over at Eun Seob-ah and Shin Jae-ya.

"Noona, you are okay right? King Arthur was worried about you so I called Hyung to ask about you. You are okay right? This guy was freaking me out" his eyes going from worried to scared at the angry expression on Tae Eul's face finally hiding behind Shin Jae to escape Tae Eul's glare.

While all this was happening Eun Ah and Wook were silently observing the spectacle happening in front of them. Everyone were together , this was just the golden opportunity they were waiting for, they could finally implement their plan right this instant . 

"Excuse me, I know you are all happy to see each other but we are kind of in a situation that needs help" Eun Ah said refusing to meet the eyes of the younger version of her father as he looked at her suspiciously. After the new comers situated themselves around the table after confirming the lieutenant was safe, Eun Ah and Wook could feel their stare on them. It was same reaction she got whenever she was in trouble.

"What you kids need help with exactly?" Shin Jae asked as his mind was still on the flower symbol and the King character that was hanging around Tae Eul.

 "You could say we have clip of your lives that has happened and may happen and we want you guys to watch it with us, it will show your life like a movie". 

Wook-ah could practically hear the rolling eyes of Shin Jae and Tae Eul and continued "Yes, yes, you may think of us as mad but we crossed time and space to save our family, so even if I have to get on my knees to get you guys to co-operate I will". He stared at them all to daring them to doubt him. 

"I believe you" Lee Gon said staring at Eun Ah with a thoughtful look on his eyes. 

"Great one lunatic believes the other lunatic, come on Tae Eul let's get out of here" Shin Jae said his mind wondering what did he do to deserve these unbelievable lies told to him directly to his face. Tae Eul on the other hand was frowning looking at the teenagers, something was tugging at her heart, the same thing happened when Kim Kae ddong also told her to believe him. She decided to listen to her heart and give the kids a chance. Maybe she was becoming soft at her 30's.

"You are not lying are you?" Tae Eul asked ignoring the shocked look from Shin Jae, the smile from the imposter-King  and the slacked jaw of Jo Eun Seob and further adding, "So where should we watch this so called future".

Eun Ah with a giant smile said thank you to the lieutenant repeatedly , while Shin Jae decided to humour the kids because he doesn't believe in the past, future clips they are talking about and he also didn't want to leave Tae Eul alone with these weirdos. Noticing the silent member of their group Lee Gon asked "Are you okay? Why are you not talking?" as the doppelganger of his unbreakable sword talked non-stop with no reason at all some times and now he is being silent when they are talking about potentially seeing their future.

The only thing Eun Seob said after a long time with his face set in a serious expression was "Do I marry Na-ri in the future ?"

Author's Scribblings : Well everyone has their priorities like Eun Seob. My dear audience, are you enjoying the ride so far. Hope you will love the journey fully.

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