How I met my mother again

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Seoul Jongo Police Station : Violent crimes Division

Just now the violent crime division got a new rookie after a long time, it has been ages since anyone new joined their team. As the captain was telling Shin-jae Sunbae and Tae Eul to show the newbie Jagmi the ropes and to sort  the evidence for their investigation that they found that day earlier, Jeong Tae Eul observed a couple standing at the entrance of the station. They both looked like teenagers but obviously uncomfortable with their surroundings. But what intrigued her the most was their frequent glancing at her and the team. They didn't look like the riff-raff that frequented the station for breaking the law. Maybe they wanted to file a complaint.

Before Tae Eul could approach the teenagers, her phone started ringing. Noticing an unknown number she takes the call but abruptly hangs the phone when she hears the voice of  Kim Kae ddong (Dog poop). He has been calling her for a while now, again that insufferable voice came from the phone. If she had met him in another situation she would have even been interested in him, but as he was in an extreme case of delusional reality all she had was annoyance towards him despite his other worldly handsomeness. Just as she opened her mouth to reply to him to don't call her again, a car was running straight towards the teenage girl that Jeong Tae Eul was observing. 

Something gripped at her heart at the sight of the car heading towards the girl, she shouted "No!" loosing the grip on her mobile and running towards the girl. But thankfully the boy with her pulled her to safet . Tae Eul went to them and started scolding them very loudly and pulling them towards the station to give first aid on noticing their slashed palms from when they fell on the road avoiding the car. 

While she was talking endlessly which was so unlike her, the teenagers were gaping at her in shock. Tae Eul shared a look with Shin Jae, why was every weird thing happening to her. And just what was this sudden connection she felt with these kids, she just couldn't understand it.

"Is there anything I could help you with?" Tae  Eul asked shaking the duo out of their stupor.

Lee Eun Ah POV :

Entering the Republic of Korea was easy, no one looked at a pair of teenagers closely. Wook-ah had an expression of wonderment on his face, which was so adorable to look at. As the bamboo forest was close to the police station they started walking after asking a kind old man for directions.

"Some one is following us " Wook-ah said to me subtly looking over his shoulder.

"I noticed too, maybe we should confront him" I said not showing any emotions on my face as not to alert their stalker.

"No , let's leave him be. There is no one who knows about us anyway" he answered at my suggestion.

"Let's do that" I said hurrying towards the Jongo Police station entrance.

 I just stood there stupefied staring at my mother. Wook tried to nudge the me to go into the station but nothing came out of his efforts.

And then everything was a world wind to me, I remember slowly walking towards my mother when she itself came running towards me, took me in her arms, treated my wounds. Just then my mother asked "Is there anything I could help you with ? "

I composed myself and said to her in a serious tone "I need your help to save my family, please can you help me". 

Wook looked surprised at my direct approach as he too nodded at my mother earnestly as always going along with my plan.

Author's Scribblings :  They are here happily becoming illegal citizens. What do you guys think Eun Ah would do? Interested in this story yet? Watch out for new chapters.

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