Chapter - 1 [ A Strange mirror ]

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December 20th Winter

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December 20th Winter

George is 24 year old guy who is living his life normally and has suitable work. When is parents passed away last week , he went to his parent's house to take his possession left for him.

George was looking at the house while he was outside, he slowly went inside of the house and stared at the picture of his parents. He decided to take some of the things that he can use , Few hours later he cleared out all of the rooms except for the attic. He took a ladder to climb up. As he went up, the attic was dusty and old and he didn't notice anything but as he glace to the other side he saw a lage mirror that isnt broken and its not even scratched a little

George's pov

I found a strange mirror that looks dusty yet beautiful a mirror , i couldnt help myself stare at it for a long time. As i went closer the mirror started glowing as if its telling me to touch it, i slowly raised my hand and touched the mirror and a weird feeling something was pulling me inside the mirror.

Few minutes later

I found myself laying on a grass as i looked up, the portal started closing . I began to panic and still had no idea what's going on, i grabbed my phone but it was out of signal. I looked around and saw a light from the distance .

George saw a large village that is a quiet and peaceful , he went to take a closer look.As george was wondering around the village, little did he know he was in a world of different kinds of monsters.

George's pov

It was a quiet village, when i was about to knock at the door to see if someone was there. Someone grabbed my arm and it felt like it wasn't from a normal person , he began to grip aggressively as i turned around i saw a large mouth with a sharp teeth about to bite off me but someone pulled me off.

The monster began screaming in pain as if someone is controlling him. George glanced beside him and saw a blonde guy with a pale white skin as his green eyes changed to red.

The guy whispered as he looked back
" Don't worry, you're safe now "

George's heart started beating fast as he saw those blood thirsty eyes.

To be continued

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