Chapter - 7 [ Its on the Left side! ]

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 7
[ turn on music for good expereince ]

Time check - 4 : 00 pm

Darryl was still at Clay's house and He doesn't even wanna come back to Zak's house , they both been chatting for hours and they seem like planning something .

George : since you're here, i wanna go back to the place where i fell from the mirror. I wanna come back so badly..

Darryl : i don't think its a good idea-..

George : come on , lets get out through the window and lets tie the clothes together to get us down there.

Darryl : Wait, are you sure its safe out there?

George : yes, trust me!

Clay's cat, Patches was quietly listening to their conversation and she slowly looked at the clock.

The door just opened itself and the cat just went out of the room, Darryl doesn't even notice the door opened since they were busy tying the clothes together .

Patches shifted into a lady but with a cat ears and tail. She was in her hoodie and jeans , she went to Clay's room and kicks the door to let herself in

Patches : b*tch wake up, its 4 pm already . Your cute little georgie woo is tryna get out of the house , you know i started to like that kid george. But bitch you made me a snitch

Clay : patches, give me an hour to sleep .. lets just talk later

Patches : Whatever, if im not gonna remind you about George's gonna do that ain't my problem

Clay : yeah, yeah .. just go back to your form they might see you

Patches shifted back to her form, she just went to the kitchen . Meanwhile Dave was making a sandwich and patches grabbing one of his sandwich.

Dave : seriously?? Didn't i told you to go make your own sandwich

Patches : That ain't my fault , im hungry

Dave : The what-? jeez Patches..

Time check - 7 pm

Couple minutes later George and Darryl already got down from the window . Darryl was exhausted and he was sweating in heat

Darryl : Why do i have to wear black-..

George : Jeez - You're not the only one who's forced to wear black you know..
That way is the forest right??

Darryl : i think its left- im sure its on the left side.

George : No-! Its literally on the right side!

Darryl : Nooo im sure its on the left side , i still remember Zak telling me that the forest is this wayy

George : Do you even trust that Zak? HE'S A LITERAL DEMONNN we Can't trust anyone so easily even they were nice to you Darryl. I already told you about that many times.. You're older than me but i think more mature than you-!!

Darryl : ....

Darryl went silent and he looked away , George sighed, pinches his cheek and he chuckled.

George : Im sorry okay? You're my best friend, You're literally like my family to me...I don't want you to get hurt just like you did last time..

Darryl : sorry..

They both went to the right side of the village, as they were going to the forest, they walked pass Zak with a girl beside her . Zak doesnt notice the both of them and Darryl whispered something

Darryl : George..Walk faster, Zak just walked pass us..

Zak smelled the scent that went passed him, he looked back behind him and felt something familliar

Lilchup : What's wrong?

Zak : No..nothing, lets get going .


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