Chapter - 5 [ Close Bond ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 5 [ Turn on music for good experience ] like literally do it

Zak Ahmed's Pov

In the morning, i went back to check that human that i met last night..What if he's gone?

I rushed to the forest that i went last night,i saw the man laying on the ground and it looks like he was sleeping comfortably.

Zak smiled a little as he saw Darryl, He couldn't help himself but smile. Darryl's Charm is quite unusual that even a cold hearted monster could smile.

Zak decided to take him home and help him out. He was living alone in a big quiet house that her girlfriends would sleep with him.

Darryl groaned and opened his eyes, he saw himself in a Dark large bedroom .

Zak was on his black robe and he was holding his mug with coffee in it .

Darryl : Wait- WHERE AM I-? Arent you that guy who i met last night-? I thought it was a dream-

Zak : How unfortunate isn't it? You're from the human world arent you?

Darryl : I have so many questions, Who are you!? Where am i-!?

Zak :  you're in my bed just Sleeping comfortably. Cute isnt it? By the way im Zak Ahmed

Darryl : What- ..Seriously- oh my life just became too miserable.

Zak : i can help you.. do you wanna get out of here? You're kinda cute, i should've killed you last might be a waste if i do that

Darryl : Then help me! I might not trust you, but you can help me right?

Zak : of course, i know someone who will help you. Clay Bryce, He is a friend of mine.

Darryl : By any chance,  Have you seen a another human like me?

Zak : No..actually Its been a long time ive seen a human...Now let me get you clothes, lets go see Clay.

Zak gave him some clothes , covering his skin and a strong perfume . Darryl was still confused and still processing what's going on, he just grabbed the clothes not knowingly Zak was still there . He slowly took off his top and noticed Zak was still there

Darryl's pale soft skin was showing and Zak looked away , he chucked and went out of his bedroom.

Zak : Call me if you're done, ill be at the kitchen.

Time skip – Noon

George's Pov

Last's night Blood moon was pretty, i wanted to go outside but Clay prohibited me to go out. Ive never seen him get mad about it, as i glance into the window i saw 2 guys , one looks like he was wearing a sunglasses and its covering himself . I went out of my room and went to the kitchen, i saw dave was reading a newspaper while sitting at the dining table

Dave : what makes you go out of your room? You realize that you have to do something productive?

George : Oh shut up..unlike you who doesn't go outside.

Dave : Im gonna rip you off and eat you as a dinner.

Clay hits his head and glared at him
" i heard that "

A loud knock on the door startled george and dave started grinning, he whispered " scaredy cat " at george and stood up and grabbed paches under him

Clay opened the door and saw his friend Zak with an unknown guy, Clay looked at Zak and raised his brow

Clay : who's this? Your another girlfriend? 

Zak : pfft- shut the fuck up, let me in first . This one's important.

Clay got surprised as he noticed the scent that's similar to george's

Clay : is he what i think he is..?

Zak : yeah..

Darryl slowly took off his sunglasses and started panting.

Darryl : i can't breath- why do i have to wear all black in summer- its hot!

Clay suddenly called out george and Darryl froze as he heard the name George .

George went to check Clay to ask what's going on, his eyes widen as he saw Darryl.

George : DARRYL!?

George rushed to hug Darryl tightly, Darryl also hugged back and still speechless

George : im happy to see you!! And how did you get here!?

Darryl : ive been looking for you since 3 days george! Ive been worried

Clay : woah- woah- what's going on here? Don't tell me you two know eachother-?

Zak glanced at Clay with the pissed expression .

Zak : bullshit- i wish i didn't bring him here now this asshole george trying to get in my way..

Clay : You're not the one who feel's the same Zak. Goddamn you should've ask out nick

Clay grabbed george off darryl and Zak does the same.

It seems like Zak and Clay were jealous of the Close bond between George and Darryl.

– To be continued –

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