Chapter 19 [ You might lose your life ! ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 19
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Few weeks later

George and Clay always visit to Zak's house 2 times a week just to study about the portal . While the two guys were studying, George always hang out with Darryl and talk about stuffs.

Darryl : So..did you told hin what it means?

George : I don't know, he's been weird lately. Sometimes he just wanna avoid talking to me.

Darryl : You messed up George. You might have done something wrong without realizing it-..

George : What do you mean-? I didn't do anything!

Darryl : Jeez George,  you will never listen .

Nick, Quackity and Karl arrived at the house to help out Zak and Clay.

Quakity : Why are we here anyways?? Nick told us you're gonna tell us something important

Nick : Hey, You two, Where's Clay and Zak??

Clay and Zak went out of the office to see the three of them.

Clay : lets get inside the office .

All of them went inside the office except the two, they were confused about not letting them go in aswell.

George : Why can't they just let us in?? We're not gonna bother anyways, right ?

Darryl : Lets just listen to what they're saying, you mighy distract Clay anyways.

Meanwhile at the office

Clay : 6 months ago, 2 humans accidentally got into the portal, which is ..unfortunate

Karl : Wait, How? The portal was Sealed Decades ago .

Quackity : Did you just said human?? Does that mean we're gonna hunt them?? LETS GOOO

Clay : Pffft- no..Those two people are Darryl and George. 

Quackity : WHAT!? Now i know these two always go together like literal magnets

Clay : Keep this a secret, you guys are the only ones that i trust, antfrost and Redvelvet are also gonna be here soon.

Karl : Are we gonna open up the portal and send them back?? Its dangerous.  Its almost impossible to open it back. You might lose your life--..

Clay : Enough! The book doesn't says that you will loose your life if you tend to try opening up the portal, those are just rumors .

Nick : But still! You still have to be careful-! Once you go to the portal back to the human world, You can't go back whatever you do!

George hearing them shouting at the office but can't clearly hear what they are saying.

George : I can't wait to get back on the real world, everything sucks here you know..

Darryl : You're not gonna miss them?? I mean..these "Friend" of ours??

George : I don't care- i just wanna go back..

Darryl : hah..You're selfish..


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