Chapter - 8 [ Its not my fault because im COLORBLIND! ]

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Bloody Sunset Chapter 8
[ Turn on music for good expereince ]

George and Darryl has been walking for 30 minutes, Darryl seem to notice that they're lost.

Darryl : wait, didn't we came here awhile ago-??

George : nopee last time we saw a bakery there , if the next  stop we saw a bakery that means we're lost . Im sure this way is the forest

Darryl : alright alright, Jeez i told you..

George : Thats not my fault because im colorblind-

Darryl : Oh my goodness-..George..

As they were talking, they walked pass the bakery that they've been talking about awhile ago , Darryl glared at George as he laughs.

George : Im sorry im

Darryl : You can't just use your Disability for any excuse georgeeee , oh my goodness what are we gonna do now-?

George looked at the bakery and grins at Darryl, Darryl raised his brow as he got confused

George : wanna try something cool Trust me it will be worth it

Darryl : Don't even-..

George : Come on, don't be a kill joy-

George went inside of bakery, Antfrost looked at George while he was cleaning the counter top.

Antfrost : Oh hello george! What makes you visit here? The bakery is already closed!

George : oh- Clay actually asked me to buy sweets, but he said he will pay it later because--..

Antfrost : Oh , thats not a problem . He's one of my close friends he can get stuffs for free.

George : Uhh- yeah-! He said he will pay it later!

George got out of the bakery with bagful of sweets , carrying them as he walk towards Darryl

Darryl : What the- how did you-?

George : Told ya- its easy

Darryl helped him carry the bag as they continued walking , as they were talking  George suddenly bumped into Nick, which is a close friend of Clay

Nick : Watch where you're going..

George : oops- sorry..

Nick looked back as he saw George's face , he immediately called his friend Clay .

Clay's phone suddenly rang as it disturbed him on his sleep, Clay opened his eyes and slowly grabbing his phone .

Clay : What..? You know I'm sleeping on this time

Nick : DUMBASS !! why did you let george get out of your house?!

Clay : Wait what? Nick you might be mistaken , he's completely fine, he's on his room .

Nick : im sure it was george..Jeez whatever , just make sure to check on him

Nick hang up his phone and continued walking, Clay got up on his bed and went to George's room to check him up, what he saw is a open window with clothes tied up together to make as a rope.

Clay : PATCHESSS!!! didn't i told you to check on them when im not around!? Why didn't you told me !?

Patches : DuHh its not my fault that you snooze it off. I told you that they're planning to escape but what did you do?? YOU IGNORED ME !

Clay : goddammit patches..

George and Darryl went back to the
Left side of the path, 5 minutes of walk took them to arrive at the forest. They both sat on the spot where they fell from the human world

Darryl : Is this the spot??.. then what are we gonna do now??

George : PICNIC!

Darryl : WAIT WHAT?? i thought we're getting out of here??

George : Ahhaah im just kidding, jeez taking like too seriously, no wonder your ex left you

Darryl : I swear-..

George : Around 3 am, there's a huge chance that the portal will open for 60 seconds , Clay told me that.


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