Chapter - 30 [ The Moon is beautiful isnt it? ]

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 30
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

- Music is already provided on the top of the title <3

The three of them, Darryl, Clay, and George went to Zak's house to study, while Darryl and George was trying to avoid Lilchup, They were just sitting quietly wanting to get out of the house .

Clay : Hey, are you two alright? you guys talk to lilchup

George : HELL NO-

Darryl : I forgot, me and george are going back since i need to do something.

Clay : Is that guys can go back , just be safe.

Zak : Also, i wanna talk to you Darryl..

Darryl looked at Zak confusedly and sighs.

Darryl : What do you want?

Zak grabbed his arm and pulled him to his office, lilchup stood up in shock and George glared at her .

George : leave them alone..

Zak locked the door, slowly hugged Darryl and Caressed his hair.

Darryl : Wait- what? Are you alright??

Zak : i missed you..why can't you just go back. Im happy to be with you, i just realized that you always make me happy when you're around.

Darryl : im sorry..

Darryl looks away as he gently pushes him away and signed.

Darryl : Look, already happy where i am, and i think i realize where i belong and its not here.

Zak grabbed his arm tightly trying not to let him go, didn't even notice that he's hurting Darryl .

Darryl : Y-You're hurting me, if im gonna come back here you're just gonna treat me like somekind of a slave. Unlike at Clay's house they treat me like a family, thats where i belong, everyone is kind to me especially Dave .

Zak : Is he what? Interested in you ? I could've done better

Darryl : No! He is my friend and i trust him more than you, are we even friends? Last time im here you treat me like i wasn't there . Having your girls to come over and send me to Clay's house to sleep there, I don't even have a room here when your house is bigger than Clay's

Zak : .......

Darryl : Yeah, i know you're just gonna stay quiet..

Darryl left the office holding his tears and George went to the office.

George : What did you do-!?

Darryl : George, we're going back..

Darryl and George went back to Clay's house while Clay continued to do his studies .

Time Skip - 2 am

Clay was sleeping on his bed , and someone knocked on his door . He didn't even bother opening the door, but someone knocked at the door on the second time.

George : Uhhh..Clay? Are you still awake??

Clay recognized the voice, went to check on him and opened the door.

Clay : Why are you still awake??

George : Im sorry, i couldn't sleep. Did i bother you?

Clay : Don't worry, i couldn't sleep too anyways. Wanna watch the sky? Its 2 in the morning, the sky might have so much stars.

The two of them went to the balcony and sat to eachother, George slowly chuckled and looked at Clay.

George : The moon is beautiful isn't it?

Clay : You don't know what it means--..

George : I love you..I have decided to stay here..i wanna live the rest of my life with you..

George slowly held his cheek and kissed his lips, he started tearing up and hugged him tightly .

George slowly held his cheek and kissed his lips, he started tearing up and hugged him tightly

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Clay suddenly woke up and everything was a dream , it was 9 in the morning .


Patches was glaring at him as she woke up from his loud voice, Clay sat up on his bed and his heart was beating fast .

To be continued

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