Chapter - 32 [ I don't like seeing you get hurt ]

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 32
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

The three of them went back to the house,and Darryl looks really upset and Dave has been noticing it. Darryl was just looking down the whole time , Darryl quickly went inside his room and George was sitting at the living room staring at the telivision

Darryl was holding his tears as he looked at the mirror, his heart was beating fast trying not to cry.

Dave went inside to their room and started to chuckle.

Dave : You're really good at hiding your feeling aren't you.

Darryl : Pfft-What do you mean? I just wanna sleep

Dave : Quit lying, stop hiding everything. I know already. I don't like seeing you get hurt

Darryl tried to avoid him but Dave slowly pet his head and pinches his cheek.

Dave : Aren't we friends? I know you're hurting deep down , try letting out your emotions, its not gonna hurt you.

Darryl started tearing up and Dave was just there trying to Make him feel better, he started patting his back .

Dave : From now on, we should be honest to each other. I don't want any of my friends suffering by themselves.

Darryl slowly nods and wipes off his tears.

Dave : Zak isnt it? Am i correct?

The two of them started to hold a conversation meanwhile George was looking the monsters through outside and Clay was staring at George, Patches was staring at both of them and started to laugh .


George : huh--??

Clay quickly looked away, stood up and glared at patches.

Clay : Im going to clean my room, George could you help me out?

They both went to Clay's room and George was shocked and it was really messy .

Before this happened Clay Asked Patches to make a mess in his room so that him and George could get an alone time together.

George : your room is cleaner than mines- what happened?

Clay : i- uhh..Tornado

George : HUH-?? are you serious??

Clay : I just wanna spend time with you--

George started laughing and Clay quickly looks away .

George : You could've just told me you wanna spend time with me, im always free.

Clay : Tomorrow we are going to Zak's house to Study .

George : Why do we have to study there, Darryl is already here.

Clay : He has the books that could help us .

Clay was staring at George and he was just standing still while George was gathering the books that's on the floor.

George : I've been wondering, if you could go with us in the human world..i

Clay : I don't wanna let you know what will happen..

George : Why not??

Clay : Its forbidden for us to go to the human world.

George : So that can't go with us when that time will come?

Clay slowly nods and smiled.

Clay : Its fineee, at least our memories will never fade away. You had your good time here.

George : But..i want you to come with me...

Clay shakes his head and grabs something from his drawer.

Clay : Give me your hand..

George reaches his hand to Clay , Clay held his hand and puts a ring on his ring finger .

Clay : Wear this, You would feel like im always with you ..

George : What is this, a kind of proposal-?

Clay : Well, maybe.

George : Jeez- stop messing around!

George blushed, quickly pulls his hand off and he looked at the ring.

To be continued

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now