Chapter - 15 [ Why can't you accept the fact we're just friends? ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 15
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Time Check 8 pm

They were sitting in circles while the campfire was in the middle, George was sitting beside Darryl. Clay was infront of George as he was trying to avoid his eye contact, as he accidentally glanced at him. He caught Clay was also staring at him as he gave him a wink and smile .

George blushed and quicky looked away, he stood up and trying to pull  Darryl up.

Darryl : Jeez- what do you wantt?

George : Come with me , im going to get more snacks at the cabin

Darryl stood up and went to the cabin with George,  everyone was staring at them as they walk away.

Karl : Im sure these two are magnets, they keep following at each other wherever they go.

Nick :pffft, Maybe he can't leave his boyfriend alone. This man is obessed

Clay : Guys..guys, they're just friends.

Redvelvet : Friends huh? Never seen two guys always sticking up to eachother like a leech

Dave : You're a literal leech to Antfrost

Lilchup : Im a little bit suspicious of these two..its just a gut feeling.

Zak : Oh shut up lilchup, don't talk shits behind their back.

Dave : Anyone interested in slaying orphans?

Few minutes later , Darryl went back first carrying some snacks and meanwhile George was still at the cabin looking for the drinks .

Clay :What took you so long ? , where's George??

Darryl : George needs a little help, he doesn't know where the drinks are.

Clay stood up and went to the cabin, George heard a noise opening the door from the behind as he thought it was Darryl

George : Thank goodness you arrived help me find where they put the drinks at, by the way, could we stay here for a little? Lets talk about our plans for the future when we get out of here.

Clay chuckled and went closer to George . " Are you that desperate to get out of here? Arent you happy in this place? " George startled as he heard Clay's voice, he turned around and Clay was beside him.

George : Sorry- i thought you're Darryl-

Clay : You're always talking about Darryl.. what are you? His boyfriend?

George : ....What if i say yes, do you care? Its none of your business

Clay : Stop giving me attidude, i saved you, you should've be nicer to me.

George : sorry..Darryl is just my bestfriend, more like a family to me.

They both went back to the campfire while Clay was carrying a cooler with full of drinks, George looked at Clay as he saw his eyes starting to glow red.

George : Wait- your eyes-..are you okay?

Clay : What do you mean?

Clay's eyes shifted back to green ,he looked at george and smiled at him  .

Time skip 12 am they all went home, but Darryl went to sleep over at Clay's house since Zak's Girlfriend, Lilchup is staying at Zak's house tonight.

Lilchup : Zak, what exactly your relationship with Darryl? You told me you never had relatives . If he's just a friend, then why does he have to live with you?

Zak ignored her and opened the door, Lilchup suddenly grabbed his arm to grab his attention

Lilchup : Answer me!! Ive been griding myself to work out this relationship , you cheated on me countless times yet i forgave you. I want you to be honest with me Zak..

Zak : Lilchup, Don't you know what i hate about you? You are too desperate when i ended this relationship between us for many years, we don't have this connection anymore. Why can't you just accept the fact we're just friends?


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