Chapter - 9 [ Speak or You'll suffer ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 9
[ Turn on music for good expereince ]

George was  sitting on a log while eating a doughnuts it was already 2:30 in the morning , Darryl was laying on the grass and he was closing his eyes.

George : Come to think of it, how strage the world could be. And out of my friends you were the one who's trying to save me huh..Thanks a lot for always here with me..

Darryl was already asleep and George started laughing since it was the first time he was being genuine and open .

George :  You little shit--.. you just made me talk to myself

Darryl : Jeez stop ranting, i heard everyting Mr George .

George : Oh shi-.. i thought youre asleep?

Darryl : Yes i am, but you're so loud

As they were talking , George saw a light from the distance he shoved the  doughnut on Darryl's mouth and he stood up

George : Shut up shut uppp

Darryl : Wait what? Im not even talking-

George reaches his hand to the portal as it started glowing and getting bigger , but as he was about to touch the portal the portal suddenly closed he looked back and he saw Zak using his power to create a fake portal to trick them , Clay suddenly grabbed his arm and glared on his eyes.

Clay : You didn't even listen to me , George you're always disobeying me when i was trying to protect you

George : Protect me!? Or you're just using me-!!

Clay : Shut up..Or ill never let you see this guy Darryl. Talk or you'll suffer .

Zak grabbed Darryl from behind and he doesn't even care to listen, but as Darryl glanced to Zak he saw his eyes glowing red and he sense his anger . Darryl looked at George and he nods

Darryl : We should get back..i already knew we couldn't make it .

George looked down as Him and Clay started walking back to their house, mean while Zak was standing there watching them .

Zak : Don't ever talk to that George, That guy is pissing me off.

Darryl : You can't just tell me what to do !!

Zak : Now i can, Do it or you're not welcome to my house anymore, i would just let you rot in here .

Darryl : Im sorry..

Zak grabbed his hand as they walked home, But Darryl slowly pulled his hand away . Creating an awkard situation

Zak : Look..its not even safe for you to go around in this town, you two are lucky that both of you are still alive..

Darryl :  I just wanna get out of here..

Zak : Then trust me, clay and i will do the work if both of you would just..

Lilchup, the Girlfriend of Zak were waiting outside of the house. She was crossing her arms and glared the both of them

Lilchup : So who's this?..I've never seen him before..

Zak : i don't wanna talk about it, Lilchup,  get out of here i didn't gave you any permission to get into my house..

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now