Chapter - 12 [ You Fucking Drive Me Crazy ]

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 12
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

George was thirsty and he decided to grab a drink from the kitchen , he thought it would be safe if he comes out real quick, but as he closed the fridge , he saw Clay with his eyes glowing red . Clay suddenly pinned him to the wall as he glared. " Didn't i told you to lock yourself in the room and never go out?? "

Clay was holding himself as he was looking at George with blood thirsty eyes he grabbed both of his hands , pushing them against the wall

George nervously closed his eyes , he was panting heavily " Clay i trusted you not to hurt me..." . Clay leaned closer to George as he whispered "You have no idea how much you drive me crazy " he slowly licked his neck and grips his hand tighter " But this time , i don't wanna hurt you George..Im not just any guy you know. "

Clay lets go of him and his eyes met with George, seeing him tearing up .

Clay : lets forget this night happened..go back to your room..

Clay's body was heating up like he was having a fever, he went back to his room and immediately closed the door, he dropped on his knees and holds his forehead .

" Its hard for me to hold this any longer, i don't know what to do anymore "


It was already 10 pm, its been 5 hours since Zak left, the house was quiet and the atmosphere was dead.Darryl was sitting on the sofa while he was reading something that he got from Zak's office.


Darryl startled when he heard the loud noise from outside , he puts down his book and went to check behind the door.

He saw tall lady with long dyed Red hair , She immediately slapped his face and suddenly pulls her knife on her pocket


Darryl : I don't know what you're talking about!! Wait- Calm down!!

?? : ive been dating with Zak for 2 weeks , that fucking cheater

Darryl : that's not what you think! Im not dating him!! He's the one who's been helping me out

?? : you liar--

Zak : SHUT THE FUCK UP ARIES , Don't even treat Darryl like that, You're fucking disgusting. He's my friend, I'm getting sick of your loud voice and your face, don't ever show up to my face ever again

Zak glared at her and went inside, shuts the door on her and proceeds to take off his shirt with animal blood.

Zak : Im done hunting for this time's blood moon, Ah...Sorry what happened awhile ago, she's one of my least favorite on one of my girls.

Darryl : You know what, im getting sick of your womanizer attitude MISTER Zak Ahmed . You have to change yourself, ladies arent toys to play with.

Zak : If i stop, will you replace them for me? That would be cute..

Darryl : I would never like someone that's not dedicated to their relationship

Zak : I am willing to change for you, Derry, Come on, im just joking, ill never hit on a guy, im straight

Darryl didn't even listen and went back to the sofa and continued reading. Zak was smirking while he went to his room, he looked at the clock and grabbed a bottle of wine.

George was still there stading as he was blushing in embarassment , his heart was beating fast and his body started to feel like he was having fever, it took him for a moment to realize that he had to go back in his room.

" why does my heart beating fast-..he's a guy- i don't understand.."

To be continued

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now