Chapter - 4 [ How Strange this World Could Be ]

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Bloody Sunset Chapter - 4
[ Turn on mysic for good experience ]

The next day George woke up from his comfy bed. He open his eyes, saw Clay leaning his back against the wall, George saw him in full black that was about to go into a funeral and his pale white skin catches the attention.

George : where you going at? To a funeral?
Clay : yeah, your funeral.
George : the fuck-?

Clay laughed as he left george speechless, He opened the curtains and The sunlight doesnt seem like to hurt him, he looks completely fine . George got confused to see Clay being exposed in the sunlight.

George's pov

I got so confused why the sunlight wasnt hurting him, i glance into the door and saw a cat went inside the room.

George : wait- why is the sunlight isn't even hurting you? You gotta be kidding me-
Clay : pfft- what do you mean ? Besides day time is one of my favorites. If you're wondering that's not hurting me, its because yours is different from ours.

Clay slowly rolled up his sleeves and grabbed the cat under him. The cat glared at george and purred at Clay.

Clay :ah. I forgot, this is my cat patches, she's like in the part of the family.
George : oh- uhh..thats nice.
Clay : im going to see my friends later, you wanna come? Of course you're gonna disguise as Vampire and pretend to me new in this town.
George : is it even safe for me to go out ? If it is, i will come. I wanna know more about this place.
Clay : is that so, then ill meet you outside.

Clay slowly put the cat down and went out of the room. George watched him went out of the room as he stretches his arms.

?? : What a weirdo..
George : wait what-..

The cat licked her paws and went outside after her owner left. George thought it was an imagination as he stood up and went to the bathroom.

Time skip - Noon

George was on his disguise, he has the strong perfume on like he took a bath on it so they couldn't recognize the scent. As they were walking in the village, Clay stopped by in a Bakery . George saw a normal looking monster that almost look like a person, but what he notice is the tail and ears of a cat.

?? : oooh- Clay! Our favorite costomer, what are you gonna take for today? And who's this?
Clay : just a friend of mine who's new in the town, by the way ill take the Usual.
?? : im sure i never seen him before! Nice to meet you, im Antfrost !
George : hi- im george, i just moved in from the other village.
Clay : so where's redvelvet?
Antfrost : oh he's a little bit busy today, you know that guy. He's hardworking.

The three of them were talking for couple minutes while waiting for the order.

Clay : Hahah well, thanks for the treat. Im gonna show George the places of this village.
Antfrost : alright! Take care

Antfrost looked back at redvelvet as he smiled at him. RedVelvet was a werewolf that is blood related to Nick, he is a helper in the bakery.

As they both walk out of the Bakery they ran into a Zombie and an Elf

Quakity : oh hi Clay! Its been awhile where are you up t-.. WOAH WHO'S THIS ?
Clay : he just moved into the village, be nice to him
Karl : I heard that Zak went missing for a week now isn't that cool Quakity
Quakity : What do you mean cool HAHAHAH He deadass vanished when all of her girlfriends knew about timing them he would've thought that he can handle 10 ladies at the same time

George's pov

I notice that this loud guy looks like a Zombie and his friend is an elf as i notice the different shape of his ears.

Karl softly smiled at george as him and Quakity went in the bakery . Quakity waved goodbye to George and Clay.

Clay : Its..gonna be bloodmoon later night, i think its better to take you back instead. I don't think its safe in here when the evening comes.


George went missing for 3 days and his friend was been worried on him, he already contacted the police and working with them on the investigation.

Time check 9 pm ( Warning ⚠️ )

The man who is known to be George's Close friend , Came to George' familyhouse to see if he could find anything that will help in the investigation. He saw george's car outside and he was sure he was inside. He notice that the door was open and the weather was cold. He went inside to find something important and to keep himself warm. " this place is such a mess- "

The man heard something, when he was about to go to the next room. he saw a ladder leading up and attic was open wide . He grabbed a flashlight and he heard a creepy sound from the attic. He took a deep breath and bravely went to the attic, what he saw is a glowing mirror, the same situation with george. The man cant help himself but to touch the mirror, He suddenly got pulled inside and dropped his flashlight.

The guy suffered from a terrible headache that made him pass out, the moon was Red and thats the time monsters started hunting some food and their bloodthirsty for screaming animals and getting slaughtered

The man found himself in the same forest as george got into but the forest is foggy and hearing animals getting slaughtered and the noises of the monsters laughing in selfishness and satisfaction. " what's going on-.." The guy held his his head and slowly coughed.

A demon covered in blood went closer to the man, he looked up and saw his red glowing eyes. Blood dripping down his hand.

" you're not safe here "

The demon offers him a hand as he glared at him, the man didn't eye contact with him and started trembling. "Leave me alone-!"

The man slapped his hand and stood up, The demon chuckled and glared at him. " Don't Come Closer!! Im gonna call the cops! "

The man stepped back, looking something to use for defence. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and turned on the flashlight.

" ZAK!!"
A woman screamed from the distance that looks like that woman who george saw last time. Zak got distracted and the man got away safely.

" The blood moon is over, ive been looking for you since last week !! "

The man who is known as Darryl Noveschosch , the Close friend of George turns out to be in the same situation with His friend. will George and Darryl meet eachother soon ?


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