Chapter - 13 [ look how quickly you turned back when his name mentioned ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 13
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Time Check 3 am

Darryl was still awake after the incident happened, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, he slowly sat at the dining table and looked around the kitchen.

Zak also went to the kitchen and saw the light was still on, he went inside and saw Darryl looking at the ceiling

Zak : why are you still awake?

Darryl : I just couldn't sleep..

Zak : Just go back to sleep, we're going out tomorrow.

Zak reaches his hand to Darryl's head and caressed his hair.

Zak : Your hair feels soft, and also..Sorry what happened awhile ago.

Darryl : Yeah, whatever Mister Womanizer

Darryl went out of the kitchen and Zak looked on his hand and chuckles. " Why the hell did i just do that-"

The next day

George was out of his room and went to the kitchen to see what's the breakfast, Dave was drinking a animal blood while he was standing beside the fridge .

Dave : Hey, Morning. Had a good sleep last night?

George : Uhh..yeah- suddenly became nicer to me huh?

Dave : Yeah why not, You're gonna die soon anyways--..

Clay : Shut up dave..

Clay just woke up and his hair was messy, George and Clay glanced to eachother and Clay smiled at him like nothing happened last night.

George's Pov

As we glance at eachother , my heart started beating fast, he smiled at me and i began to blush . " you gotta be kidding me, acting like you don't know what happened last night " i just turned around and walked away .

Nick : hey hey, where you going Gogy?

Dave : Where the hell did you came from nick

Nick : Hey- i was here the whole time, by the way im gonna pick you up clayton, we're going to the beach.

Clay : Oh- yeah. I forgot . George, wanna come?? Zak is also invited, Darryl might come as well .

George turned around as he heard Darryl's name mentioned and Clay laughed

Clay : Look how quick he is when his boyfriend's name mentioned, you should've do that as well if i'll call you

George : Ew- what- im not gay-

Clay : geez , Just pack your things up and lets go .


Zak was already dressed up for the beach party, while Darryl was just reading a book

Zak : Didn't i told you last night that we're going somewhere, Besides, George mighy be with Clay later on

Darryl : Wait- You mean george?? LETS GOO

Zak : What the hell ... we're going to the beach Darryl , Nick decided to go outing with my friends including Clay and Dave.

Darryl : said my name correctly..


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