Chapter - 23 [ I can do better than yours ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 23
[ turn on music for good experience ]

After since lilchup and Zak went back togetger for a month now, Lilchup Decided to Move in with Zak's house with under 1 condition.

Zak : Darryl, are you free right now? I need to talk to you real quick..

Darryl was reading a book while laying on the sofa , he noticed Zak seems worried about something, " Hey, what is it?" Zak pulled his hand and went to his office.

Zak : Lilchup is going to move in with me, is it okay to you?? She's gonna be here later on

Darryl : This isn't my house, its up to you.

While they were talking, someone knocked at the door . Lil chup started yelling outside .

Lilchup : Zak-!!!

Zak : Hold on a sec, She's here.

Zak went to the door and opened it , Zak seems a little irritated by her annoyance but tried to be patient. Lilchup hugged him as she was carrying tons of luggage. 

Zak : Seriously? Its like you bought your house with you, i only told you to bought 2 baggages, not 10 of them. What is wrong with you-

Lilchup : Oops-- sorry~

Lilchup went inside and left her luggages and sat on the couch. While both of then carried the luggages inside the house.

Zak : Sorry Darryl, She's not that person that you think. Hope you understand her.

Darryl : No worries, no big deal

Later that night Darryl was the one who's gonna cook for dinner, he was at the kitchen and just finished cooking. Zak and Lilchup went to the dining room and Darryl served the dinner, Darryl was about to sit next to Zak but Lilchup Pushes him

Lilchup : Oops- i went here first, go sit there.

Zak : Lilchup, will you stop that.

Darryl : No, Zak. Its alright

They all ate their dinner quietly and the atmosphere was awkward, lilchup smiled at Zak .

Lilchup: The dinner taste good! Thanks for cooking for us Darryl

Darryl : Oh, Thank you.

Zak : I definitely agree with Lilchup, and also. Im going out first since i have to do something .

As Zak finished his dinner,he left those two alone and went to his office.

Lilchup : Not that good at all

Darryl : Hmm??

Lilchup : Your food taste awful, i wanna vomit. i could do better than yours. Fucking Loser

Lilchup Whispering in a lower tone as he was staring at Darryl .

Darryl : Excuse me??

Lilchup : Oh- nothing, i said that i enjoyed your food.

She doesnt even finish her dinner, went to the kitchen and disposed the left over food .

Lilchup chose not to go back on the human world since she's now living with Zak and Darryl , at the mean time Lilchup Seems to be trying to drive away Darryl out of Zak's house as soon as she can .

To be continued

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