Chapter - 17 [ The Moon is beautiful isn't it ? ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 17
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Time check 10 pm

Zak went to the living room checking Darryl if he was sleeping, he saw Darryl was still reading a book. Zak sat next to him and chuckled

Zak : Hey Derry, still awake? Im taking that book if you wouldn't sleep.

Darryl : Just leave me alone..

Zak : Actually..i started to think about changing myself ..i don't think its a good idea

Darryl : maybe you should change, maybe if you could be a better person, not that person who's Treating girls like toys.

Zak : well--..

Darryl : I can see it through your eyes, when i first saw you. I know that you're lonely. Is it the reason why you're using girls for entertainment? I know you could be more better .

Zak : You caught me..Never thought someone like you would know my secrets, You impress me


It was a starry night, George was still awake and he was watching the moon through the window and Clay knocked at the door.

Clay : Hey..are you still awake?? I couldn't sleep. I wanna take you somewhere.

George startled as he heard his voice, he went to check the door. he opened the door and was surprised to see Clay.

Clay : youre also star gazing huh?? Lets get into my room, i have a balcony there.

George : I actually never seen your always prohibited me to go there.

They both went to Clay's room, his room was neat and large. He has weird collection of knives and books . They went to the balcony and sat on the bench next to eachother, the view from the village and the forest was visible through the balcony and moon was shining brightly.

Clay's pov

I took a deep breath as George sat next to me, George was looking at the sky and i glanced into his eyes, his eyes was beautiful and seeing him smile warms my heart.

" The moon is beautiful isn't it? "

As i stated the words.i feel like my heart dropped,Waiting for his reply
George just smiled at him and nods

" Yeah! Stars are very pretty too"

I just chuckled as i expected him not to know what it means.

 “The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” This phrase is a more poetic way of saying I love you. Or a way of confessing to someone you love

To be continued

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now