Chapter - 6 [ Is he your Crush?? ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 6
[ Turn On music for good experience ]

Darryl and Zak already went back to their place after Clay and Zak made a discussion about starting to make a portal trough real world, George was sitting at the living room drinking his coffee. It was already midnight but George was still there having thoughts on many things. George startled as he felt someone grabbed his shoulder, he looked back and saw Clay .

Clay : Still up??

George :ah..yeah, I'm just thinking about something.

Clay : by the way, what's your relationship with Darryl??

George : i actually can't tell you.

Clay : HAHAH what is he-? Your crush?

George : if i say yes, would you stop bothering?

Clay : Pfft- You gotta be kidding.

Clay glances at George's nape , he slowly looked away and stood up. He rolled up his sleeve and picked up his cat Patches . George heard Clay talking to someone as he thought it was Dave, George finished his coffee and stayed up late.

And hour later Clay found him sleeping on the couch , He chuckled and slowly caressed his cheek. Clay picked him up , carry him to his room . Clay smell the scent of george as he was carrying him , he started blushing as he puts him to his bed.

Clay looked at george as he shaked his head " i don't know if i could hold this much longer "


Darryl : Wait, im not gonna sleep in the same bed with you- do you have extra room or something? Your house is huge and you dont have any spare rooms? What-

Zak : Come sleep with me, don't be shy- ladies are obsessed wanna sleep with me, you should be lucky Derry

Darryl : My name's Darryl, Not Derry-

Someone knocked at the door and Zak checked his phone, Zak stood up and grabbed his suit. Darryl was confused as he just kept staring at him.Zak wore his suit and puts on his perfume, he grabbed something from his drawer and it looks like a c*ndom .

Zak : im staying at the hotel tonight, you can have my room while I'm not here.

Darryl : uhh..okay then.

Zak just left and Darryl heard a voice of a lady talking to him as they left the house.

He was just laying on the bed and started to take a nap

The next day George found himself sleeping at his room when he remembered last night sleeping at the couch, he sat up on the bed as he rubbed his head.

Later on, Darryl went to Clay's house all by himself to see his friend George . Zak doesnt even know that Darryl went out of the house without knowing him but he was already at Clay's house at Noon .

George saw him through the window, he immediately went down stairs and opened the door for him.

George : Darryl! You came to see me??

Darryl : Yeah, its boring at Zak's house.

Darryl came in the house with his disguise on , but he forget to wear his perfume. The monsters from outside started to recognize the scent and staring at him weirdly.

Dave was outside and he looked down at Darryl , he slowly pushed him inside as he also went inside.

Dave : hey, human. Its dangerous outside. Why did you even go out without your perfume on.

Darryl : oh- i forgot-..

Dave : Then try remember putting them on, its not even safe to go outside .

George grabbed Darryl away from Dave and glared at him. They went to his room and locked it.

George : Don't  talk to him, he's a weirdo.

Darryl : he's nice tho-

George : Not until he show his real side, he's annoying and mean..

They both chuckled at started talking about stuffs about the human world, little did they know patches was inside the room and was quietly listening to their conversation .

To be continued

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now