Chapter - 35 [ I've made a right choice for staying here ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 35
[ Turn on music for good experience]

The next day Zak came to pick up Darryl from Clay's house. Darryl was already packing his things while Dave was crossing his arms, leasing his back against the wall.

Dave : You can call me anytime you want if you need me.

Darryl : Ill be alright! Besides ill be there for 3 days, no worries ill be fine!

Zak came in the room and Dave Glared at him, Darryl went out of the room carrying his stuffs.

Dave : Hey, don't let me down this time, i won't let you talk to him if you make him cry.

Zak : Make..him cry?

Dave : Isn't it obvious that he likes you? Yeah, you heard me right Zak , he's crying all the time he sees you with any girls you have.

Zak : i need to talk to him..

Dave : You should, before its too late

Zak sighed and went outside of the house, Darryl was waiting patiently while looking at the rain dripping  on the ground.

Zak : Are you cold?

Darryl shakes his head while looking at the rain falling from the sky, Zak slowly took his Jacket and puts it on his shoulder .

Zak : Stop pretending that youre not, Jeez, from now on you should be more honest with me..

Darryl : ...Zak? You've been nice lately, are you alright?

Zak : Im redeeming myself, i should've took care of you at the first place .

Darryl : I think i really made a right choice of staying here...

The both of them laughed as Zak glanced at Darryl, he smiled and pats his head

Zak : I'm so lucky you stayed even i was an asshole . I deeply regret that.

Meanwhile George and Clay were watching the rain from the outside.

George : Have you tried going out on the rain??

Clay :

George stood up, grabs his hand and  pulls him outside . Both of them got wet from the rain and Patches was just watching the from the window


Clay : You stay there patches, you're not allowed to go out.

They went to the forest, it was still raining . George noticed that his ring was glowing slightly. Clay looked at the ring on his finger and grabbed his hand .

Clay : If its glowing red, it means im near. How cool is it?

George : It was normally just clear crystal, this really looks cool .

Clay layed on the grass while the rain was dripping on his face, George was sitting behind him .

George : Hey, since im not coming back to the real world, are you gonna take back the ring?

Clay : Oh, its yours now. It looks better on you.

George : you feel that im not coming back ?

Clay : You already know my answers George..


?? : How long have you been waiting?

?? :  8 months, im sure he's alright..

?? : of course he is, just be strong .

?? : I really hope so..I miss him so much..

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now