Chapter - 10 [ 2 days until the Blood Moon ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 10
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Its been a week after that incident happened, Darryl chose not to talk with Zak and he began to distant from him. Darryl sleeps at the couch while Zak was out every night to see his Girlfriends. Although they seem doesn't talk to eachother, Zak tried to start a conversation with him and   yet every time they talk, its starting to make an awkward situation.

Time check – 10 pm

It was raining with a loud thunder the atmosphere was cold and quiet .
Darryl was on his usual place to sleep he grabbed his pillow and began to lay down , Darryl started to  close his eyes. The door from the entrace slightly opened and it was Zak got soaked in rain , his suit was dripping wet . Zak slowly took off his  top and went to check Darryl if he was still awake. While Darryl was asleep he felt his shoulder touched by someone and the water from Zak's hair dripping on his face. Darryl opened his eyes and saw Zak topless.

Zak : Sorry to bother, could you get me a towel?

Darryl : Why are you home early? Did you got in a trouble or something?

Zak : Nah..One of my girlfriends dumped me.

Darryl : Wait, that blonde lady??

Zak : You mean LilChup? No. Me and her had been a couple for a decade, She already knew that im cheating with her with other girls yet she chose to stay anyways, she's a headache , but she's still my lover.

Darryl : You're disgusting..

Darryl mumbles as he stood up to get towel and went to Zak's room.

Meanwhile George was in his room and looking trough the window, Clay's Cat, Patches went inside the room and sat on the sofa.

Patches : Watcha looking there .

George : huh-?

George looked around as he heard a sound of a voice of a lady in his room, as he thought he was hallucinating.

Patches : No, look around. Jeez are you blind?

The cat went to the bed and sat beside him

Patches : ive been watching you for the whole time since you came here, you seem like a nice person..

George : Wait, were you the one who's talking-? You can talk!?

Patches : of course i can! By the way i need to let you know that the next 2 days will be the Blood Moon, it occurs every two weeks and you should be careful ..

George : Why should i be careful? Im always here in my room , i just promised Clay not to go out without his consent.

Patches : you're not even safe with Clay if the blood moon occurs, Try locking up yourself until morning.

George looked at the window while watching the thunderstorm.

Clay : Patches!!

Patches : i gotta go now, he's calling me .

Meanwhile Zak went to his room , wondering Darryl was taking so long to get his towel, as he was about to open the door Darryl was holding the towel .

Zak : Taking too long huh? You move too slow, what are you? A princess?

Darryl rolls his eyes and handed his towel , Zak slowly Smirked as he puts his towel on his shoulder and went to the bathroom.


Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now