Chapter - 29 [ We don't have special connection ]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 29
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Clay started to burst out laughing as patches went out of the room, George got extremely embarassed and quickly stood up.

Clay : Going back already??

George : Uhh- Yeah- what am i gonna do here anyways

Clay : Since you're here already,  i wanna talk to you about something, it about you and Darryl going to the Human world.

George : its almost time isnt it??

Clay : yeah, aren't you excited?

George : of course, i can't wait to come home!

George grabs a fruit from a basket while Clay was replacing his shirt with a new one.

Clay : Even it might kill me? Will you still go back ?

George : What?? I can't hear you

Clay shakes his head and sighs a bit.

George : Actually.. being here changed my life, i wanna be here for the rest of my life. But i don't think it would work out for me, i have friends who's been waiting for me in the real world, i can't escape the reality..

Clay : i understand you, but wouldn't you miss me huh?

George :  HAH- NO

Clay slowly sat on the sofa and closes his eyes.

Clay : Remember those words, you might miss me when im gone .

George was looking down , his heart was beating fast and looked at Clay.

George : Pfft- whats our relationship anyways- that I have to miss you because we're apart.

Clay : don't you consider me as a friend?

George : Well yeah- im talking about a speacial connection-..

Clay : You have a crush on me, don't you? I noticed that you've been looking at me more frequently

George : WHAT- nooo! Disgusting!

Clay chuckled and continued to drink wine while watching the window.

George rolls his eyes ,grabbed the basket full of fruits on the desk and little did he know Patches, Dave And Darryl was leaning their ears to the door to hear whats happening in Clay's Room.

The Patches and Darryl we're betting if the two of them are making out at the other room.

Patches : I bet 10 dollars that they are already a thing ! I can feel it

Patches : Wait- i hear nothing

Darryl : told ya, they're not, george would've told me . Give me your 10 dollars

Dave was having second hand embarrassment seeing the two of them.

Dave : You two, thats enough. Lets respect their privacy.

Patches : SHHHH

George opened the door and surprised to see the three of them right outside of room .

George : What are you guys doing here??

Patches : uhhh, nothing, lets go now-

Darryl : Good night George!

George got really confused and decided not to bother thinking about it, he went back to his room .

Meanwhile Zak had another argument with lilchup after lilchup
Found zak with another girls 

Lilchup : IS SHE ONE OF YOUR GIRLS?! Im sick of your cheating games!! You promised me not to cheat on me!

Zak :  SO WHAT? SHES MY FRIEND, am i not allowed to have friends with a girl huh???


Zak began to ignore her and went to his room, took off his suit and lays on the bed.

To be continued

Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now