Chapter - 34 [ I think i found where i belong ]

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 34 [ turn on music for good experience ]Time Check - 12 am

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 34
[ turn on music for good experience ]
Time Check - 12 am

George and Darryl were sitting at the livingroom , Darryl was just looking at the window while george was reading a book.

Darryl : Should we head back?? It's already midnight .

George : Darryl, don't get mad at me..but i think...

Darryl glanced at him waiting for him to talk

George : I think i found where i really belong, Darryl..i wanna stay here..

Darryl looked at George and chuckled.

Darryl : Really? I didn't expect it at all...if we're gonna stay here..what about our life in the real world??

George : I found my hapiness here...i don't think i could be happier than being in looking for a time to find a chance to say it to him..

Darryl : If that makes you happy..i will stay with you George, i can't leave you here in a world full of monsters

George smiled , went closer to Darryl and hugged him tightly .

George : Thank you so much..for being here for me..

The next day

The four of them went to Zak's house to study, since they have to do it daily since there is 10 days to go. They were at the office, Dave was nudging his elbow to Zak just to grab his attention

Dave : There are 10 days left for them to leave , make a move already.

Zak : I don't think he's--

Dave : Oh shut up, im now giving a damn bridge to make a move on him

Dave pulls him closer to Darryl , Darryl startled as he was reading a book.

Darryl : Dave? Where you going?

Dave : Oh, i had to switch seats with Zak, take your time you two.

Zak got a bit shy and awkward when he was sitting beside Darryl, while Darryl was just calm , he was just reading a book.

Zak slowly glanced at him and ruffles his hair.

Zak : Hey, are you hungry?

Darryl looked at him as he puts down his book, he slightly nodded and chuckles.

Darryl : Yeah , but its really unusual to see you being nice today

Zak : Geez, stop questioning it already. What do you want to eat?

Darry : Are you heading to the kitchen?? Then ill go with you

Zak and Darryl went to the kitchen , Darryl grabbed a food from the counter and Zak glanced at him

Zak : Hey, have you been since you left here?

Darryl : I've been doing great, what about you...and lilchup..?

Zak : I actually..broke up with her Yesterday. And then the next morning, i saw a note from her that she's leaving.

Darryl : Oh..uhh im sorry to hear that.

Zak : I wouldn't care about it anyways, im happy for her that she moved on ..

Darryl : Also i-..

Zak : Darryl, its been awhile that i have a proper conversation with you, i missed you..

Darryl looked down as he sighed, Zak smiled at him, Zak went out of the Kitchen and Darryl was just standing by the counter.

Darryl : Stop getting my hopes up..i will never have a chance on you..

Darryl thought Zak was already going back to the office , but he was waiting by the door and Zak heard him . Darryl went outside the door and startled to see Zak by the door.

Darryl : Zak-!? Did you heard me said something?

Zak : Hmm? Not really, lets go back to the office.

Darryl and Zak went back to the office, all of them were waiting for them to bring foods.

George : Oh, since Darryl is already here, he's gonna tell us something

Darryl : The what?

George : Last night?

Darryl : oh, uhh..Last night..i realized that this might be a destiny for us, Me and George decided to stay here for the rest of our lives, no matter how risky it was. I know you guys would protect us..

Clay looked at Darryl with the complete shock , Dave widens his eyes and looked at Darryl .

Dave : Are you serious-??

Darryl : Of course-! I guess this is now a happy ending.

Zak was hiding his smile while looking at at Darryl, Darryl noticed someone starting at him, he caught Zak was looking at him and he just smiled at him.

Zak quickly looked away and coughs.


?? : Hey, ive been waiting for you for 8 months..I miss you so much.

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