Chapter - 31 [ i wanna be like her because he loves her ]

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Bloody Sunset - Chapter 31
[ turn on music for good experience ]

George was standing at the kitchen holding a cup of coffee, his seems tired and his eyebags has gotten worse.

Darryl and Dave went to the kitchen to make breakfast and shocked to see George woke up early. Darryl looked at george and George was spacing out the whole time.

Darryl : Hey, are you okay? Your eyes--


Darryl : Why not?? Don't you like sleeping?

George : Of course--

Dave : if you couldn't sleep, someone might have been dreaming of you.

Clay just passed by the kitchen and he also just woke up, he was looking fir his cat patches . Darryl looked at Clay and started to chuckle .

Darryl : oh i know who it is--..

George : Is it you dave? Did you dream about me beating you up and you're bleeding in pain--

Dave : I can beat you up easily, don't even try, youre just gonna cry for help on Clay.

George : OH YEAH- what about we start a fight right now

Darryl : Thats enough ,you two .

Dave : Jeez, you're lucky that Darryl was infront of us.

Darryl was looking at the both of them and he just started laughing.

Darryl : You guys are so immature, You two are already adults.

The three of them started talking, while Darryl is going to prepare the breakfast, he opened the cabinet and it was empty .

Darryl : Are we going to the market? Foods are running out .

Few hours later the three of them went to the market to buy groceries the three of them went to seperate ways,Darryl and George were wearing their perfume so that no one could recognize the smell .

Darryl was on the way to go back where they all are going to meet up to go back home as he was walking while carrying a paper bag holding them infront of him. He couldn't see clearly whats infront of him he accidentally bumped into a lady .

Darryl : Oops- im sorr--

?? : watch where you're going , you son of a bitch

Darryl puts down his paper bag and tried to apologize properly the lady spilled her coffee on her dress while she was waiting for someone.

?? : Can't you see that im going on a date with someone?!

Zak arrived with his suit on and kissed the lady's cheek as a greeting.

Zak : Sorry Astelic , I was late, i got up late this morning--

Zak turned around and saw Darryl standing infront of them , Darryl started getting awkward as he saw Zak's face . He quickly grabbed his Paper bag and walks away .

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Darryl has been crushing on Zak for the first time they met, but he got a mixed feeling about him as he thought he only liked girls. He was jealous of the girls that Zak hangs out with, especially his girlfriend lilchup, Darryl decided to distant himself that he had no chance to be his lover and he doesn't have courage to say it to him, Darryl was Scared of getting rejected by him and feel what he felt the first time he got rejected by his friend and not accepting him that he's not Straight .

Darryl was hiding his feeling deep down inside and never told anyone what he felt inside his pain. Everytime he sees Zak with every other girls came to his house , he pretended to be nice just For Zak to like him . He never felt so much jealousy towards the Girl ,Lilchup.

" i wanna be like her because he loves her, and i wanna feel loved too "


Bloody Sunset  - SEASON 1 [ DreamNotFound Dnf • Skephalo ]Where stories live. Discover now