Chapter 53: Test Drive

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It had been a few days since the events with Akuryo Y/N, Goku Black, and Baby, you have been adjusting to this new power and you were now able to activate it to your own accord

Things were as crazy as ever in HOH as you were walking through the hallways, you were really the only Saiyan student around at the time as Lotus, Kasai, and Daiko were still out training with The Gods

You didn't know where Yang and Kirishima were either, probably at their own classes as Break was almost over

Y/N: The Genkai Deity...that power was incredible, It wasn't as strong as True Omni God, but for a base power at 10% of it's potential...I was on par with The Grand Priest...!

???: Hey! Y/N!

Y/N: Eh...?

You then turned around to see a little kid, the same blonde one that made an appearance at the original HOH

Y/N: Hey you're...wait...who are you...?

???: My Name's Kevin! Remember it well!

Y/N: Okay.

Kevin: Anyway! I challenge you to a fight! I've been wondering just how strong you are!

Y/N: A Challenge...? Well classes are about to start, but what are they gonna do? Send us home? I'll never back down from a challenge!

Kevin: Alright! Meet me at the training grounds, 15 minutes!!

Y/N: Gotcha!

Time Skip

You were now on your way to the training field as Kevin had just challenged you to a battle, now remembering the past events, you started to remember who he was

Y/N: Wait...Didn't Akko say he beat Bakugo no sweat...? Even after his intense training...? Interesting! This might be better than I thought!

You could then hear the sound of Kaminari being yelled at by Nora from across the hallway, you didn't bother to turn around as you simply kept going 

Eventually you had reached the training grounds and of course, Kevin was there, waiting for you

Kevin: You actually came!

Y/N: Like I said, I'll never back down from a challenge!!

Kevin: Well if you wanna back down, one's your chance.

Y/N: Nah, Bring it!!

Kevin: Great! Let's get this show on the road!!

With that you got into a fighting stance as Kevin wasted now time in running towards you in a rather wacky style, this confused you as he then sent you flying with a kick to your gut

Y/N: Gah! What was that...?!

You then landed on your feet and rushed Kevin back, going in for a punch to which he dodged by jumping over you

He was about to hit you again when you suddenly vanished as an afterimage, making Kevin go wide eyed as you appeared beside him and launched him into the skies with a powerful punch

Y/N: Hm, Guess Bakugo's gotta stop slacking...

All of a sudden Kevin came flying in from behind you and hit you with a hard kick to your back, sending you crashing into the dirt as he simply stood there

All of a sudden Kevin came flying in from behind you and hit you with a hard kick to your back, sending you crashing into the dirt as he simply stood there

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