Chapter 8: Clash of Beasts

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The air was now overflowing with Tension more than Broly as you faced this unknown figure in your Super Saiyan Devil Form

The air was now overflowing with Tension more than Broly as you faced this unknown figure in your Super Saiyan Devil Form

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Y/N: I'll only give you one can either run away while you still can... or you can face me and Die!!

???: I will fight you, but the one dying in this forest will be none other than you!!

With that your smile spread to twice the length as you began to cackle, your mind at the peak of insanity as you suddenly jumped towards your next victim

Y/N: Hm...What shall I do with your corpse when I'm done with you...?

???: Hmph...I'm glad you decided to face me...Now I can have your soul all to myself!!

Y/N: Big Talk coming from some Ghost Rider wannabe!!

With that the two of you clashed, tackling one another as you and this entity began to push one another, both of you gritting your teeth as a massive gust of air began to blow

Barbara watched in fear and awe as you suddenly grabbed their arm and began to swing them around, eventually slamming them into the wall as a web of cracks formed on the cliff side

Y/N: I shall feast on your flesh!!

With that the entity leaped out of the wall and up into the pitch black abyss from above, moving at high speeds as a blade of black and purple Ki formed over your hand

Cackling once more, even louder this time, you then flew into the air as you chased after the entity like an apex predator hunting down their prey

Y/N: You really are a fool! The Darkness is my Domain!!

With that the entity began to look around, not knowing where you were as you began to move around him in an attempt to confuse him

???: Coward! Come out and face me!!

Y/N: I am the one hiding under your bed...teeth ground sharp...AND EYES GLOWING RED!!!

All of a sudden the entity head a strange sound from the wind, turning around to see you right behind them with your jaw hanging wide open

The entity acted quickly as he moved to the side, however he wasn't able to completely avoid you as your jaw slammed shut, chomping his arm clean off as blood splashed everywhere

This caused the entity to scream in pain as the two of you landed back into the ground, Barbara watching as your teeth were now coated in the crimson liquid, quickly devouring the severed arm as you smiled most wickedly

???: YOU FIEND!!

Y/N: Even the best of us get hungry at times...and I'm no different, but when I'm in this form...ALL I CRAVE IS LIVING FLESH!!!

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