Chapter 105: The Union Parade

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Yang: Are you kidding me?!?

Kirishima: You're leaving?!

You currently found yourself in a tough situation. After getting back from your little road trip, Kalasha had informed you that you would be leaving to train with a fellow Celestial.

He didn't say for how long or who it was, but he did say that he would meet you after the parade.

Y/N: Yeah...I thought I'd tell you first...With Korizen no longer lurking around for the time being, he assumed that now is the best time to train. I don't have a's for your safety...

Kirishima: B-But we've been able to stop threats like him before! Why can't you just train here...?!

Y/N: This is different...things have changed, Korizen isn't just strong...he's way beyond that. I've felt it first hand...and with the Anomaly lurking around there's no room for errors. I'm sorry...

Kirishima: Well then...

You started growing nervous on how they would react to hearing all of that. It was a lot to take in.

Kirishima: We'll just have to make today count!!

Yang: Double that!

Y/N: Huh...? You're...not mad...?

Kirishima: Why would I be...? You said yourself that you don't want to, but you have to. And I completely understand! What kind of man wouldn't go out of his way to protect his family!

Yang: I know for a fact that we're gonna be okay, and you'll be okay too! Besides, this isn't goodbye! We're not going anywhere! No matter how long it takes, we'll be here!

Y/N: ...You guys...

You suddenly pulled both of them into a group hug. Both were taken aback by your sudden actions, but they slowly hugged you back.

Y/N: Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve friends as good as you guys...

Time Skip

It's been about half an hour and you planned on telling everybody the big news. You could hardly believe it yourself as you thought back to when Kalasha spoke to you about it.


Y/N: What do you mean?!

Kalasha: My apologies, Y/N. But we simply cannot allow this to go on any longer. You need to be able to defeat Korizen and the Anomaly. Too many have fallen during the war between the 3 kings...

Y/N: I know but...stepping into unknown territory and leaving with somebody that I haven't even met's a lot to ask, even from you!

Kalasha: I know it seems like a scary change, Y/N, but think about your friends, your family, and your son. We need you to stay alive...

Y/N: *Sigh*...Fine...I'll do it. For them. But I swear I'll be back before you know it!

Kalasha let out a small and gentle smile. Looking you in the eyes as he responded with a calm tone of voice.

Kalasha: I know you will.

Flashback End

Y/N: I hope the others are as understanding as Kirishima and Yang...I don't want them to think I'm abandoning them...

With all of this on your mind it was easy to forget that today was the day that the parade would take place. Thanks to Weiss and the others pulling some strings, they managed to arrange the whole event to happen in a big city where everybody can see and enjoy it all.

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