Chapter 93: Battle of The Top Dogs

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A great battle was currently taking place. The climactic clash that clash that would decide the victor of this clash of academies.

However somewhere else in the second reality a group of familiar individuals were hiding and plotting their next move.

Yakuza: I don't know, Boss...everybody in that damn school keeps getting stronger every day. We should make our next move soon before it's too late.

???: Hm? Is that fear I detect in your voice, Yakuza?

Yakuza: N-No, Sir! Of course not!

???: I see...Merno has already gone to fetch some associates that might be able to help us.

The doors suddenly opened up as Merno could be seen walking in with a few individuals walking in behind him.

Merno: Sir, they're here.

???: Excellent. Good work, Merno.

Merno then stood next to Yakuza as the ones he had brought to this unknown location faced their leader who sat on a throne made of magma.

???: It's been far too long, Karuza.

As they had started, the one Merno had brought was none other than Karuza. Your very first major enemy when your journey first began, and the same person who was freed from Ark upon his defeat.

Next time him was his henchman, Xarran. He didn't know Merno and his group like Karuza did, but he and Yakuza did have something in common.

Both of them are still haunted by your Super Saiyan Devil form.

Karuza: So what exactly do you want from us? I've been a very busy man this last year...

???: Oh nothing much...just a friendly little proposition for you. And I'm sure that it's of your interest.

Karuza: And who says I should trust you? You betrayed me once and I know damn well you'll do it again.

???: While that may be true, times have changed. The Saiyan you may know as Y/N has stepped foot into this reality and is growing more powerful as each day passes by.

Karuza: And what does that have to do with me...?

???: From what I've seen you've quarrelled with him several times in the past. You know more about him than any of us. My proposition is that we form an alliance. Temporarily of course.

Karuza: As much as I despise him...I am in his dept. he freed me, and if it weren't for him I'd still be one with that bastard Ark.

???: But from what I know, you helped him first...warning him of the Evil Celestial months before he actually came along. It is safe to say that you are both even.

Karuza thought to himself before making his decision, but before he could answer he had to confirm a few things.

Karuza: And how can I be sure that you won't betray me like you did all those years ago like the scum you are...?

Yakuza: You watch your tongue, filthy Saiyan. Otherwise I'll gladly rip it out of your mouth.

Xarran: You'll have to get through me first...

???: Yakuza, that's enough.

Karuza: Xarran, that goes for you too.

Both: S-Sorry sir...

Karuza: I'll think deeper into it...but until then you won't come near me or my henchman.

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