Chapter 82: Friend of The Beserker

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It was almost nightfall, you hadn't encountered any other opposing students ever since that first little squabble. However the same could be said about your allies.

Despite being a rather small planet you weren't able to find anybody due to the fact that you couldn't sense energy, wether they be friend or foe.

Currently, you were gliding through the area. Deciding to remain in the snowy area for the time being in case there was any of your friends nearby

Y/N: Right off the bat I've killed 3 Students. I can't say it felt good...

You were feeling a little guilty for taking the lives of 3 students who probably had nothing to do with you before this. They were gone. Most likely forever. And that left you with a sick feeling in your stomach

Y/N: I just hope nobody on my side has died yet...

You weren't able to tell for sure, but you suddenly spotted a large beacon of green energy dead ahead. It only took a moment for you to realize just who the energy belonged to

Y/N: Broly...!!

You then sped directly towards his direction as you could hear the screams of several voices in the distance. No matter what, somebody was going to die here


Jasminka, one of the star witches of HOH, was watching in horror as Broly was wreaking havoc upon a massive group of students who attack them

However, it wasn't just those two who were with them. Hiding behind Jasminka was a little girl, it was none other than Eri, she could barely watch as she witnessed the Saiyan go berserk on the students

Eri: W-What happened to him...?!

Jasminka wasn't very much of a talker, but unlike her classmate Constanze she said a few words here and there

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Jasminka wasn't very much of a talker, but unlike her classmate Constanze she said a few words here and there. This was one of those times.

Jasminka: I-I don't know...but everything will be okay. I'll protect you.

Trying her best to keep a calm tone to make Eri feel safe, she gently placed her hand upon the top of Eri's head and placed one arm in front of her as she kept her ear face on

Truth be told, Broly and Eri had become friends the moment they met. Eri found Broly to be scary at first, but when they talked she found that they weren't too different

Broly had been abused for his power all his life. And Eri's situation was similar for a good portion of hers. Being able to stand with someone who understands your pain was a great way to recover

Jasminka had simply ran into the duo during her travels and decided to tag along. But now Eri is glad that she came along seeing as she was protecting her

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