Chapter 86: Return To The Battlefield

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There was nobody in sight in a calm rocky area with very little signs of organic life. However there were a handful of battles that had been fought here already, you could tell by the few craters and the little bits kf blood on the ground.

In the sky one of Lotus' wormholes opened up to which you and Steven came flying out of, back in your own timeline and ready to get back to action.

Landing on a large yet flat rock kneeled down, you got up and stared into the distance as Steven stood by your side.

Y/N: We're back!

Steven: Great! We can find our friends and help them out! Hopefully their okay...

Y/N: Hold on a second, were you here this whole time?

Steven: Uh...Yeah. Me, Luffy, Naruto, and the others were invited since we've helped on several missions for HOH too.

Y/N: I see...well the more allies we have, the better our chances are of winning.

Steven: Yeah!

With that you and Steven leaped into the distance to find either more opponents to eliminate or more allies to help.

Time Skip

Both you and Steven were still roaming around in this rocky area. It was quite large, and you didn't expect to be here for that long.

Steven: Is this really the same place...?

Y/N: I don't know. We'll just have to wait until we find someone.

Steven: ...Or until somebody finds us...

Steven said this while tugging at your jacket and pointing into the distance where two students from the opposing academy, one male and one female, could be seen headed right for you.

Y/N: Get ready for battle! We don't know how strong they are or what kind of techniques they use!

Steven: Right!

As the two students got closer you and Steven were able to get a better look at them. One was a male wearing an entire set of Armor to where even his eyes were covered up. The other was a female who had some Armor but not nearly as much.

 The other was a female who had some Armor but not nearly as much

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Steven: The guy with the massive Armor looks stronger...

Y/N: Never judge someone by their looks, Steven. They just might surprise you.

With that you bolted towards them at full speed as Steven was at first taken back by surprise by your sudden movement, but followed you shortly after.

Steven: Let's try and end this fast! We've got friends to save!

Y/N: Yeah...

Male Student: Well look what we have here! Two rivals here to try and fight us!

Female Student: Don't get so confident. The one on the left is Y/N L/N...

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