Chapter 4: The First Training Class

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HOH Academy: Ballroom

It was now the next day, morning time to be exact, as everyone had gotten adjusted to the new students' presences, everyone sank into their groups a little quicker than expected

Y/N: Man...I wonder what kind of Training we're gonna go through...

Kirishima: I doubt that they'll chuck us into the woods again, we've done that twice now.

Koneko: It doesn't really matter to me, so long as it's effective, I'm alright with almost anything...

As the three of you began your day by getting properly dressed, Issei and Kaminari were chatting with Hannah and Barbara who were hooked to the stories that the two boys had to tell

Kaminari: So our backs were against the wall, and then I went all like BAM! POW! BOOM!

Issei: And then I came along and gave em an extra beating! We're the real deal!

Hannah: Woah...!!

Barbara: That's Awesome! You guys must be the strongest students here!

Kaminari: U-Uh...*Looks towards you*...Yeah...! Hahaha...!!

All of a sudden Jaune managed to but into the conversation as he was curious of what all of the awe was about

Jaune: What's going on?

Hannah: Issei and Electric Boy over here are telling us how they've taken in a bunch of bad guys! Is it true?

Jaune: Um...Yeah, I'll admit both of them are pretty strong, but if you wanna see real power...

Jaune then pointed to you with a smile, you weren't aware that you were being talked about at all as you were simply scarfing down some food

Jaune: You should really talk to Y/N, He's Strong! Like, REALLY Strong, Stronger than any other student here!

Barbara: Really?!

Jaune: Yeah, he can do all kinds of cool stuff!

Meanwhile as Jaune went on and on about how amazing you were, Hannah and Barbara listened as Sucy and Lotte over heard the part about you

Sucy: So do you think that Y/N is as Strong as that guy says...?

Lotte: I don't know, I don't see why anyone here would lie, we'll just have to see for ourselves today.

Time Skip

You along with everyone else was now outside of the building, the large crowd standing in a large and flat field as Kalasha appeared in front of everyone

Kalasha: Alright Class, Just because today is your first day doesn't mean that I will take things easy on you, for your first training session, I want all of you to take each other on in 1 on 1 fights! Show no mercy!

Akko: B-But Sir, what if some of us don't know how to fight properly...?

Kalasha: Then Learn! Most people here know their fighting basics, now everyone find a partner!

Y/N: Hey, Hold on! There's something I've gotta do!

Kalasha: Oh?

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