Paralyzed pt.3

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At this point, should it even be called paralyzed? lmao.

Nya's POV~

"I-I-I'm s-so sick of th-this!" I hiccup, covering my teary face with my hands.

A few days earlier~ 

"Ouch" I whimpered, clutching my lower stomach. I slowly fell to the cold hard wood floor, crossing my arms to hug my side. Tightly shutting my eyes to where I see are black circles everywhere. 

"Nya?" Jay turned around to see my uneasy. "Oh my gosh, Nya!" He rushed to my side and helps me back up. "Are you okay? What happened? Did your knee's give in again?" He rambled as I lean against his side. 

"I-I'm alright, this has been happening all week." I regain my strength and stand straight up, still clutching on to Jay's arm. "It's some sort of sharp pain on my pelvis area for some reason."

"uh, I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but isn't that your period?" Jay questioned. I took a step back, releasing my grip on his arm.

"No, I haven't had my period since before the accident." I crease my eyebrows.

"Haven't you talked to your doctor about this?" He questioned.

"No? I just thought it was normal because I was paralyzed." 

"Right, you were paralyzed, but it's been almost a whole year since you started physical therapy!" He crosses his arms across his chest.

"And I've made tremendous progress!" I mean, other than using my KAFO (Knee Ankle Foot Orthotics) and my forearm crutches most the time. 

"Of course you have Nya, I'm not saying you haven't," He argued. "But don't you think that since you've regained feeling in your legs that you should be getting your period?" He ponders.

Huh, I guess he's right about that.

"Probably." I shrug it off. "My body is still going through a lot of changes though, it'll start when it wants to." Jay sighs, defeated in this argument. He slowly walks over to me and wraps me in a light hug.

"Just in case, can you please make an appointment with your doctor and have them check you? For me?" He asks softly, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

I sigh. "Okay fine, I'll call them later." I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you." He says before leaning forward, passing my cheek and nearing towards back of my head. "Why aren't you wearing your KAFO?" He whispers in my ear, feeling his hot breathe on my ear, making me shiver. 

"Because my legs don't hurt today." I whisper back, feeling his body tense up.

"Have you already forgotten what happened last week?" He brings his head back to look into my eyes.

"Can we not start another argument please?" I groan as I remember vividly being rushed to the hospital from my knees buckling, making me fall down the stairs. I now have a huge bruise on my hip. 

Jay leans forward and locking my lips with his. tilting his head, he deepens the kiss. Moving one of his hands from my back to my hip(not the bruised one) while the other creped up to my head. Tangling his fingers in my messy jet black hair.

I hiss in pain, yanking back from the kiss. Once again, holding my abdomen. I look up to meet Jay's electric eyes. His eyebrows were creased with worry.

"Yeah, your definitely going to see your doctor."

A few days after(nearing present)~

"JAY?!" I yell. Hearing footsteps running down the hallway.

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