Baby Sitting

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Nya POV ~

This weekend, me and Jay had agreed to watch our baby nephew Ethan(Kailor kid) while Kai and Skylor go to a meeting for Skye's business . Me and Jay both love children and want to start a family of our own soon, and so we thought that babysitting baby Ethan could prepare us for our future. We thought that taking care of a child was easy... at least we thought that at first.

It was Friday and we were expecting Kai and Skylor to show up at the door at any moment. I was almost done cleaning the dishes until the door bell rang. I dried my hands and opened the front door to see Kai holding a car seat and Skylor holding a diaper bag.

"Hey guys, I've missed you so much" I stated cheerfully as I hugged Skylor. 

"It's definitely been awhile since we saw you, you look great. Also thank you for agreeing to watch Ethan last minute" Skylor stated as she and Kai walked in and set the baby and diaper bag down.

"It's no problem" Jay stated walking into the room. "And how's my little nephew" Jay stated crouching down and tickles Ethan, making me smile at him

"We better get going before we miss the meeting. Everything should be in the diaper bag like Ethan's clothes, bottles and formula, burp cloth's, diapers and baby wipes, and his blanket. Remember if he gets really cranky, just give him his pacifier.  Other than that you guys should be set, oh and the list for what time he should eat is in the left pocke-" Kai rambled before I cut him off

"Don't worry Kai, we have it all under control" I stated 

"Well okay, but if you have any problems, feel free to call and we'll come and get Ethan" Kai stated and he and Skylor headed towards the door

"Kai I'm sure Nya and Jay are going to be fine, now let's leave before we are late" Skylor said while pushing Kai out the door. "Thanks again Nya, we'll be back soon" Skylor waved bye and closed the door. I turned around and already found Jay holding the baby. I giggled as I grabbed all of Ethan's stuff and set it on our bed. I grabbed the list out of the left pocket of the diaper bag and read it

Ethan's schedule:

-Wakes up around 5:30 to 6am

-eats at 7

-takes a nap at 9 then feed him once he wakes up

-plays for 3 hours

-feed him at 1pm and sleeps for most of the day

-Wakes up around 8pm and stays up for around 2 to 3 hours

-once he starts to get cranky, give bottle and put him down for the night

I looked at the time and it was 8:30am, Ethan still has another half and hour before we put him down for a short nap. 

I walked into the living room and saw the boys snuggling on the couch watching tv. I smiled and sat next to Jay, setting my head on his shoulder as he used his free arm to wrap around my waist. We were watching some anime show on netflix and Ethan seemed to be really interested in it, not really supersized though as he gets the same taste in shows as Kai. 

I looked back at the time to see it's 8:56am. I looked over at Ethan to see him almost falling asleep. I got out of Jay's grasp and started to walk towards our bedroom to set up the crib.

Once I had gotten back and into the living room, Ethan had already fallen asleep. I gently put my hand behind his head and wrapped my other hand around his tiny waist and belly and lifted him up, placing him on my chest. 

"Where you taking my nephew?" Jay pouted with his bottom lip out

"It's time for his tiny nap, he should be up in a few hours though" I stated walking down the hallway. Once I got back into the living room, Jay had already put something more mature on. I sat back down on the couch and Jay hooks his hand around me and pulls me closer to him. I looked Jay in his dark mysterious eyes before we both started to lean in. We were just about to kiss before the baby started to cry.

'Let the crying begin' I thought to myself 

It's already 8pm and Ethan isn't having a good day. He has been crying nonstop unless he has a bottle or we are holding him. In order for him to sleep, me or Jay have to be holding him no matter what. 

Me and Jay roughly sat on the couch as we finally got Ethan to sleep in our bed. We looked around our living room to see dirty and clean diapers just laying around the floor and dirty bottles on the coffee table. 

"And it's only Friday, when are Kai and Skylor suppose to get back" Jay complained 

"Not until Sunday" I stated and we both sighed

"Imagine what tomorrow is gonna be like. I never thought taking care of a baby was so difficult" Jay stated rubbing his temples 

"I know... maybe we aren't ready to become parents" I stated sadly looking at Jay sadly. Jay then looked at me in concern

"No I think we are, we just need more practice. I'm sure when Kai and Skylor first had Ethan they had troubles like this" Jay stated trying to comfort me

"Yeah maybe your right" I said pecking his lips. "Since Ethan took our bed, do you just wanna sleep out here?" I asked

"That would probably be best" Jay said before laying down. I crawled on top of him and lay on his chest before falling asleep

The next 2 day's wasn't as bad. Ethan had finally gotten used to being with me and Jay and finally fell asleep on his own and in his own bed. He had gotten back on his schedule and was eating and taking naps on time. When Kai and Skylor came to pick up Ethan, we had already had all his stuff packed including clean baby bottles. 

"I hope he wasn't that much trouble" Skylor said while making funny faces at Ethan who was already in his car seat

"Nope, he was an angel" Me and Jay both said in sync 

"Glad to hear, maybe he can come back over here soon" Kai said picking up the diaper bag

"We would love that" I stated. After they had left, me and Jay sighed. "This has definitely changed my mind about things"

"Like what?" Jay questioned worriedly

"That now I really want a baby" I stated as a tint of blush crossed over my cheeks as the same happened to Jay

"Why don't we practice tonight" Jay winked at me, taking my hands in his. I then gave him a smug look and raced to our bedroom

So sorry for posting another late chapter, I mean I guess you should already expect that from me loll 

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