Paralyzed pt.2

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Nya POV~ 

So life is actually going pretty well for me. I have my supportive family, my bestfriend Lloyd, and my new boyfriend Jay. Obviously after we kissed we started dating but only after Kai chased Jay around the entire school. 

The school year went on with per usual kai being overprotective, Lloyd and Jay helping me get to my classes although still having issues with Kathy bulling me but it just ends the same with one of the boys yelling at her or to the point where it kind of got physical, but I'm not gonna get into that.

Summer came faster than ever before and honestly, probably my best summer ever. I went to beeches, watched movies, went on dates with Jay, and I even started physical therapy! The thing is, Jay doesn't know.

I wanted it to be a surprise for when he finds out, or when I tell him. My grandparents who me and Kai have been living with since our parents death had finally had enough money to pay for physical therapy. And so, since July 6th, I've been going to physical therapy twice a week.

But let me tell you how hard it is to keep a secret like this from your boyfriend. It's hard when you know your doing something like this behind their back when they could be beside you and helping you.... but it's also really easy for me to cover up because Jay doesn't question me or suspect a thing.

So my plan is that once I'm able to take a few steps whether that's with someone's help or by myself, I'm gonna tell- or I mean show him instantly. 

November 17th was the day I took my first steps in 8 years

It's now Monday, November 19th and I'm ecstatic to show Jay I can walk again but also really nervous because I've kept this secret for way too long and I'm afraid he's gonna be mad about it. 

Me and Kai finally arrived at the school and he of course helped me onto my wheel chair. I groaned but replaced my frustration to excitement and strolled as fast as I can to find Jay. Try to get by people in a wheel chair is harder than you may actually think. I soon made eye contact with the electric blue pupils I mesmerized for hours. 

"Jay!" I raised my voice with a huge smile on my face. Jay quickly came to me and pecked my lips which made me blush like mad.

"You look more excited than usual" Jay chuckles. "What's up" He asks with a smile. I nod. 

"I-I have something to show you something" I started getting nervous for the big moment.

"What is it?"

I sigh, "Give me your hands and hold on to mine tightly" I state as I put my hands out for him to grab them. Jay gave me a questioning look before doing what he was told and gripped onto my hands tightly.

"Ready?" I state with a grin. 

"uhh sure?" Jay still confused as ever. I then use my muscle in my upper body and arms and slowly start to lift myself out of my wheel chair. As I'm using all of my strength to lift myself up, my gaze never left Jay's as I'm watching his expression light up like fireworks.

"OMG NYA, your standing!" Jay kind of yells in excitement. I giggle.

"Okay now I want you to walk backwards but very slowly". Jay did what he was told and again his face is as bright as the sun. My legs were shaking really badly as I started taking small steps. My left knee started to give out so it buckled and ended up tripping into Jay's arms. Jay hugged me tightly before spinning me around and setting me down in my wheel chair.

"Nya I never knew you started to learn to walk again" Jay stated happy but his smile soon turned into a frown. "You- you never told me though" Jay stated with his head hanging near the floor.

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to surprise you. It was killing me that I was keeping this from you Jay, but as soon as I could take a few steps with of course a little help, I showed you." I take his hands in mine. Jay looks at me with tears in his eyes and a smile before leaning in and giving me a kiss. I was shocked of his quick forgiveness but got over that and kissed him back.

After showing Jay, he started to come to every physical therapy appointment and helped me through my entire process of walking again. It took several months but by the end of the school year, I was on my 2 feet slow dancing with Jay at prom.

Heyyy y'all I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's kinda like a novella to part one in my opinion.

Make sure to vote!!!

Also requests are open. Plz plz plzzzzzz give me your ideas, if you can't already tell, I'm running out of  mine.

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