"I Heard Everything"

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Takes place season 12 episode 12

Nya POV~

"Chose you champion" the automatic voice projects.

"What does it mean 'chose your champion'?" I question.

"I think one of us has to fight the boss." Jay states

"Huh, I wonder who the boss is" Lloyd ponders.

"Well, whoever they are, they're gonna have to fight me" I state stepping forward.

"wait Nya no, you only have one life left" Jay panics.

"So do the both of you. Besides, it's better to have two people good at playing video games than a person that never plays." I state. Lloyd and Jay look at each other before nodding and stepping back, agreeing with my decision. I sigh.

I step inside the fighting ring and get into a fighting stance. 

"Unagami will choose your opponent" The automatic voice announces. I get out my katana. The next thing I know, Jay is standing in front of me.

"Jay? What're you doing?" I say confusingly.

"I can't believe you cheated on me with Cole! How could you?!" He gets angry, grabbing out his katana.

"I thought we were passed that by now? We talked about this."

"How could I when you broke my heart!" Jay yells before launching at me and hitting me with his weapon. I gasp and clutch the side of my stomach.

"Jay what is wrong with you, this isn't you" I yell with tears in my eyes. I finally got over the pain on my side and got back into my fighting stance.

Before I knew it, Jay was running towards me. I dodged his attack and hit him on the leg with my katana. He rolled on the ground before jumping back up with more fire in his eyes.

This is not the Jay I know and love.

"I don't wanna fight Jay."

"Well you should've thought about that before you listened to a fricken machine!" Jay stated attempting to attack me. I tried to dodge him but he landed a punch on my jaw, making my health go down.

"Ugh! Fine, if that's how you wanna do it, let's dance." I stated aggressively. We both ran towards each other and collided both of our katana's together. 

Later on in the fight, I grew exhausted and started to slack while fighting. But for Jay, he still looked like he was full of energy. I mean, that's what you would expect from the master of lightning or a video game. And even if this version of Jay isn't real, it's still hard to fight him. Other than him being angry, he looks the same, talks, and fights the same way too. 

Wait a minute! Oh my gosh I'm so stupid, he fight's the same! I can't believe I didn't recognize this before. I could use this to help me. 

I all of a sodden regained all my energy and confidence. Clutching my grip around my katana harder, I remembered all the training and fights we've been through, remembering his technique. My only hope is that he doesn't remember mine.

Every move Jay made, I dodged most of them. I kept catching him off guard, slipping under his feet and hitting his back or arm. His health bar kept getting lower and lower while mine mainly stayed half way. 

I was winning!

I looked back at Lloyd and Jay, my Jay. They were both smiling at me, pointing their thumbs up, giving me another boost of adrenaline. But, that was until I saw in the corner of my eye something blue spinning.

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