Paralyzed pt.3 Alt. ending

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Just an alternate ending from part 3 because I didn't like that ending 😅

No worries though! Both chapters should come together at the end to create the last part, part 4.

Nya POV~

Walking through the mall with Lloyd was great. Beside the sharp pain on my hip, I have been walking a lot better since the past few months. With the help of my KAFO, crutches, and the endless amount of support from my family, friends, and boyfriend, it's really turned out for the better.

It was now the weekend and with nothing to do, me and Lloyd decided to have a "girls" day, because why not? We had originally planned to go to the zoo and see everything decorated with lights for Christmas, but apparently it's too cold out. So we just decided to go to the mall, which in my opinion, is way better.

Right now, I'm having Lloyd carry around all my bags since mine are literally full, carrying all my weight(crutches)

"Are you sure this is okay?" Asked Lloyd.

"What are you talking about?" I look over to him as we continue to walk around the mall.

"Me carrying all this stuff for you and taking you shopping. Shouldn't Jay be doing this?"

"No," I crease my eyebrows. "I mean sure, but I've been hanging out with him a lot and not enough time with my best friend." I smile. "Besides, I know Jay wouldn't care."

"So what store next?" He sighs of exhaustion.

"I wanna get something to eat and then we can go."

We walked for a little longer until we got to the food plaza. Many choices to pick from, we both ended up picking Panda Express. I ended up getting White rice with orange chicken, and Lloyd got Chow Mein, Teriyaki chicken, and a vegetable spring roll.

After we finished eating, we just talked amongst each other. Not wanting to leave and end our fun day, sadly the sun started going down, leaving a red-orange sky. We boxed up our leftovers and left.

"Sorry for not hanging out with you that much, but I had a good day." I smiled at Lloyd as he paid attention to the icy road.

"Of course, and it's okay. I understand that you and Jay are getting closer, in fact I'm glad you're not always hanging out with me. Gives me a break." He smirks and I playfully punch his arm.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes.

I looked down at my phone and saw I got a text message from Jay..

Jay: Miss you😘! Hope you're having a good time, love you bby xo

Nya: Awww miss you too, see you soo-

Hearing the screeching of tires, I yank my head up. Looking out in front of me, the car started to swerve. What scared me was that we were going straight towards a ramp. I looked over at Lloyd to see him trying his best to gain control over the vehicle. I shut my eyes tight, clenching the handle on the door as if my life depended on it.

In the matter of seconds, we hit the railing and the car flipped.

Before falling back into unconsciousness, I noticed that we were upside down. Without moving my head and my vision blurry, I was able to see a car pull over and call the ambulance. It became harder and harder to keep my eyes open, but shortly after, I fell unconscious.

Next Day~

Groaning, I slowly open my eyes. Squinting from the light above me, I was facing the ceiling. Lifting my head up, aside from the pounding headache, the rest of the room was fairly dark. The only light that was on, was the one above me. The blinds were closed, but it's clear that it's dark out. Now whether it's morning or night, beats me.

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