The Accident [part 2]

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Jay POV ~ 

I was sitting in a single chair with my head in my hands while running my fingers through my hair. I still couldn't get the ringing of my phone out of my head. I remember right before my phone ringed, I was eating the leftovers of Skylor's noodles while watching Stranger Things until my pocket started to buzz. I grab my phone out to see a random number on it.

"Hello?" I asked confused

"Hello this is Nurse Jane, can we speak to Jay Walker please" The nurse asked

"This is he" I stated getting a little concerned

"Yes Mr.Walker I'm afraid to say that your wife has gotten into a car accident with the rest of her friends. We are taking her to Ignacia Hospital and would like anyone to come and visit them" The nurse stated

My heart dropped

"Y-yes of course, I'll be up there as soon as possible" I stuttered before I hung up.

I quickly gathered my things and drove to the hospital. Once I arrived and entered through the main doors, I went up to the front desk 

"Hello, I'm here to see Nya Walker" I stated as I carefully watch the lady type in her name

"Yes she is on floor number 5 and wait in the waiting room till a nurse calls you" she looked up at me and smiled

"Thank you" I stated as I walked towards the elevator. 

I got into the elevator and it slowly moved. It felt like and eternity till we got to the floor. The doors open and I followed the directions on the ceiling to which way the waiting room was. As soon as I found it, I sat down in a chair and impatiently waited for the nurse to call.

"Jay Walker?" I looked up to see a nurse staring at me as I'm the only one in the waiting room. I quickly stood up and walked over

"Yes that's me" I stated in a panic

"Okay so the names Skylor, Pixal, Harumi, and Seliel only have minor injuries compared to your wife Nya" The nurse stated not breaking awake eye contact

"Nya broke her left arm and sprained her right wrist. But I'm also sorry to say put she has also fallen into a coma. She just came out of surgery so I can't have you see her just yet, but if you don't mind, could you call the family of her friends?" The nurse asked

"Y-yes of course" I stated going back to my seat in a gaze.

'Nya is in a come' I thought to myself. I leaned back into my chair and sighed. I grabbed my phone out and started to call individually Kai, Zane, Lloyd, and Cole for them to see their girlfriends.

As I seen the four turn the corner, they all had worried expression of their faces, and very tired as it is currently 1am. I got up from my chair and hugged them all. I informed them on what I know about their girlfriends and their condition but Kai seemed to be the one who looked more concerned.

"How's my sister?" Kai stated as I haven't mentioned her name yet

"She" I paused looking away

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