Kiss or Slap

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Takes place when everyone is in high school

Nya POV ~ 

Me, Skylor, Pixal, Harumi, and Seliel are at lunch and we are playing truth or dare. How we play is that we have a easy, medium, and hard level. Example, if it were easy level, then we would say 'jump up and down 13 times', something like that. And right now, we are at medium level.

"Ok skylor, truth or dare" Harumi asked

"hmm, truth"

"is it true that you puked in front of the whole class in fourth grade" Harumi questioned

"... Yes" Skylor stated and everyone burst into laughter.

"Ok now it's hard level, Truth or dare Nya" Seliel asked 

"dare" I stated as I know it's going to be hard

"I dare you to ask all the boys in our class, including Jay, kiss or slap" Seliel stated. If you didn't know already, I have a HUGE crush on Jay. Who wouldn't though, he's so cute.

"ugh, fine" I stated getting up from our table and going around to the boys in our class 'kiss or slap'.

"kiss or slap" I asked Cole

"kiss" and then he kissed my cheek.

"kiss or slap" I asked my brother Kai

"umm... slap" then he slapped me and left a red hand mark on my cheek. I then went up to Jay nervously. 

"h-hey Jay" I stated shyly with a wave

"Hey Nya, what's up" he asked with a bright smile. He's so adorable 

"uh, k-kiss or slap" I asked playing with my fingers as they are now interesting

"uhhh" he stated nervously while scratching the back of his neck

"you don't h-have to do it, it w-was only a dare" I said kind of sad. I was about to walk away until I felt a pair of lips on mine. It was Jay! He quickly backed away in shock of his own actions.

"I am so sorry, did you mean your cheek" he asked panicked. I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"No it's fine, you could have done whatever you wanted" I said with a slight smile on

"well in that case" he said before grabbing my waste and pulling me into another kiss. But this time it was a more relaxed kiss. I was shocked but then kissed back. We pulled away from each other and stared into each other's eyes.

"Nya I have something to tell you" Jay asked

"What is it" I questioned but still shocked from the kiss

"I like you, like lot. Would you like to go out with me later" Jay asked nervously and blushing mad

"I would love to" I stated before walking away towards my table. As I was walking back, I saw that the girls were all cooing and taking videos. I blushed of embarrassment and smiled

Authors note ~

So I will be posting these two chapters early because next week I will be busy for school so I won't really be online as much. So I'll  be updating probably in 2 weeks.

Please make sure to vote and feel free to request for a chapter!!

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