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No one POV~ 

It was just a normal day. Nya woke up by her alarm, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed her hair and teeth, grabbed her bag and rode with her brother Kai to school. When they got school, Kai parked his car, jumped out of the front seat and ran around the car to help Nya into her wheel chair.

That's the one thing everybody knew Nya as, The girl in the wheel chair.

If your wondering how and why she's in a wheel chair, here's her story.

It happened when she was 9 years old, 7 years ago. Nya and her family were coming home from spending the weekend at their grandparents house. It was late at night and Kai and Nya were in the back seat sleeping while their parents were just talking in the front. A drunk driver started to swerve on the road and ended up crashing into their vehicle head on. Everyone was rushed to the hospital. Kai luckily only suffered with a sprain wrist and a small concussion from banging his head. But unfortunately, Their parent's didn't make it. Their mom died in the ambulance and their dad passed due to internal bleeding. And as for Nya..... well, she's paralyzed from the waist down. Because Nya was sleeping, she was lying down without her seat belt on.

As for after that, the siblings went to live with their grandparents. 

Kai grabbed Nya by her arms and slowly lifted her up and sat her down on her wheel chair

"Thank's Kai, but I can do it by myself you know" Nya stated in annoyance and her over protective brother rolls his eyes

"Can't you just appreciate my help?" Kai says while he closes his car door. "Lloyd should be here any minute to help you get to first hour" Kai says and he walks beside Nya holding her stuff as they go to the front of the school.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't need someone to walk me to everyone of my classes" Nya stated as they both waited for Lloyd.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt. Especially around Kathy and her group" Kai states. Nya lower's her head. Kathy is one of the popular girls in their school and also Nya's bully. Kathy's friends are just as cruel as she is. 

"Hey guy's, sorry I'm kinda late" Lloyd says jogging over to us. "Are you ready to go to class Nya?" Lloyd asks as he takes Nya's backpack from Kai. Kai waved at us before leaving to go see his friends.

"Yeah" Nya sigh's. Lloyd looks down at her as she pushes her the wheel's of her wheel chair. 

"Sooooooo what's up with you and Jay?" Lloyd questions with a smirk. Nya widen's her eyes and get's flustered. Her and Lloyd are actually really good friend's. Yes she hates being walked to every class but he's the one person she can go to with all her problems.

"Wha- what do you mean?" Nya stutters a little. Lloyd laugh's

"Common, everyone know's you have a crush on Jay" Lloyd says still smirking as we turn a corner inside the school.

"Is it really that obvious?" Nya groans. Lloyd nods

"Do you think Jay know's?" Nya asks nervously.

"I'm not too sure" Lloyd says as Nya get's a little sad. "Butttt he does talk about you a lot when me and him hang out, so maybe" Lloyd shrugs. Nya's face lighten's a little. They finally made it to Nya's first hour and Lloyd gives Nya her bag

"Thanks for walking me here I guess" Nya playfully punches Lloyd's arm

"No problem jerk" They both stick out their tongues and wave at each other. Nya goes into her her class and goes to her seat. She takes the things out of her backpack that she needs and class starts.

-after class-

Class ended and Nya started gathering all her things before her phone rang. She looked at it and seen she got a text from Jay. She smiled as she got butterfly's.

Jay: Hey Nya sorry I will be a little late to walk you to class, if you want you can wait or you can start going to 2nd hour and I'll meet you on the way

Nya: I'll start heading to class, meet you there 😉

Jay: 😁

Nya gathered the rest of her thing's and headed to 2nd hour. She was about half way to her destination until she was pushed out of her wheel chair. Her hand's smacked on the tiled floor to catch herself. She slowly lifted her upper body and looked up to see Kathy smirking.

"Oops, did I do that?" Kathy asked stupidly before she burst into laughter

"Ugh Kathy, don't you have better things to do than kick a disabled person to the ground?" Nya groans struggling to get back up but Kathy keeps pushing her down.

"A person like you doesn't belong here, you should have been the one to die that night" Kathy says and she dumps out Nya's whole backpack. Nya looks down with tears in her eyes until she saw a pair of blue converse in front of her. She looks up to see Jay!

"Kathy why don't you go and learn how to pole dance, I think it'll be the prefect job for you" Jay says with his arms crossed. Kathy huffed and walked away. Nya started gathering all her books and binders that were scattered around the ground until Jay started helping her.

"Please stop Jay, I can do it myself" Nya snapped. Jay stood up and looked at her worriedly. As Nya gathered the rest of her stuff, Nya tries to lift herself back onto her wheel chair but keeps falling back onto the cold dusty floor. The more she struggles, the more Jay just wanted to help her so he grabs her by her upper arm and lifts her up into her chair. Even though Nya was squirming under his touch, she was secretly kinda happy.

"You don't believe Kathy right?" Jay asks. Nya looks down

"You don't get it though, you don't hear the things she or her friends tell or text me. They always keep saying that I should've been the one that died that night and not my parents" Nya says with tears in her eyes. Jay was shocked at what Nya was saying. 

"Whatever comes out of those girls mouths you know isn't true. You are honestly the strongest person I've ever met and the smartest and are very beautiful and independent" Jay rambles. Nya looks shocked as she looks up.

"Do you really mean all those things?" Nya asks. Jay crouches down to her level and lifts her head up with his finger.

"Every word". Nya pulls Jay by the wrist and kisses him.

Part 2 Coming soon!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I was inspired to write about being paralyzed bc of a music video I watched that should be posted above.

I start online school in like 8 hours (It's 12:44am rn) so wish me luck... and also I just moved so that's what took me forever to update

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