The Argument

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Nya POV ~ 

Tonight me and Jay went on a date night at a beautiful restaurant that had paintings all over and the food all lay out like a buffet. After we ate, we got into the car and started to drive home. Jay had his left hand on the steering wheel while his right hand was holding mine. The ride home was quiet until I spoke up and said something

"Jay I have a question" I stated unsure until I felt him grip my hand

"Yeah what's up" He stated with a smile

"Why don't you ever let me plan a date or pay for our meals" I asked him

"Because that would't be gentlemen like of me, why do you ask" Jay asked still holding my hand

"Because I also want to take a part in this relationship too and I want to give you my love and spend my money on you" I raised my voice and let go of his hand

Jay looked at me hurt but soon put his eyes back onto the road

"Nya I don't want to make you worry about having to plan something or having enough money to spend on me" Jay stated raising his voice

"I get that but can you at least think about YOURSELF AND NOT ABOUT ME FOR ONCE" I yelled at him

He looked at me with widen eyes taken aback from what I said previously. I then thought about what I just said and instantly regretted it. I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat and starred out the window. The rest of the ride home was full of awkward silence. Once we arrived home, I jumped out of the car and ran into a empty house as the team went on a mission prior.

I set my purse on the kitchen counter and went to mine and Jay's shared bedroom. I plopped down onto our bed and sighed. Me and Jay have been having minor arguments here and there but we never shouted at each other before, so I get how Jay was shocked. 

I then heard a small knock on the door. I slowly turned over on my side with my back facing the door

"Come in" I said with a lump in my throat

I heard Jay softly walk into the room and closed the door behind him. All of a sudden felt a dip in the edge of the bed with a sigh

"N-nya" I heard Jay choking on his words

I turned over slightly to see my Jay bird crying. I sat up on the bed but not to close to Jay. I didn't mean to make him cry, he must hate me

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to argue or raise my voice a-at you" Jay stated and started to sob

I scooted closer to him and placed my hand on his back and started rubbing in circles

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I was the o-one who y-yelled at you. I'm s-sorry" I stated but soon realized that I was too crying

"I hate having these arguments J-Jay" I stated and covered my face with my hands and cried. I then felt Jay wrap his arm around my waist and pull me onto his lap. Jay then grabbed my wrist and pulled my hands away form my face. I looked up at him to see the eyes I've always loved. He placed his hands on my cheek and wiped my tears away. He then pulled my face towards him and gently placed his lips onto mine.

I was surprised by his actions but soon kissed him back. I pulled away and looked at him

"What?" Jay asked and he kept starring at my lips but back to my eyes

"Nothing" I stated before connecting our lips again

I wrapped my hands around Jay's neck as he sets his hands onto my waist. I lifted my leg and set it aside Jay where both of my legs are on both sides of him with me sitting on his lap. With each kiss felt more passionate and pressure. I felt Jay's tongue brush against my lips for entrance, I obligated and opened my mouth.

Jay's tongue deepened with every kiss. Our tongues were wrestling in each others mouth as if we were putting all of our emotion into the kiss. Jay's hands were rubbing up and down my sides while my fingers were tangled in Jay's hair. 

Jay then moved from my mouth and onto my neck. He started to suck on my pale skin making me moan as he found my sweet spot. He kept sucking on my neck until he reconnected our lips. I put a lot a pressure into one of our kisses making us fall over to where I was laying on top of Jay.

We looked at each other in shock and got up form each other. We looked at each other with a smile and giggled

"Sorry for arguing with you Jay" I stated as I hugged him

"It's okay" Jay stated as he returned the hug

"Nya just remember that no money can ever be spent to make me as happy as you make me. Just showing that you care and I can put a smile on your face is everything for me" Jay stated before pecking my cheek

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please make sure to vote!!! 

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