She Don't Want No Smoke V4

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With restrictions being let up, Ruby decided to take everyone to a large and open field to train for their upcoming fight against Salem. As you could probably predict, Baku and gang weren't too happy being dragged outside.

Baku: Why the fuck you bring us out here?

Ruby: To train for our fight, duh!

Baku: Train?

Ruby: Yep!

Baku: Breh. I can literally o-bliterate that bitch with one word.

To this, Yang scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Yang: I seriously doubt she can't survive whatever gibberish you shout at her.

Baku: She don't want no smoke.

Ruby: Awww, c'mon Baku! Even if that is true, isn't it still important to practice?

Baku: Practice what? My P R O N O U N ?

Tobi: You missin some letters dawg.

Baku: Yeah cause Ion got an envelope.

Tobi: Fuck does that even mean?

Baku: Idk

Yang: ENOUGH ALREADY! If you only need one word to beat her, than you should have no problem sparring against me.

Baku: Dawg you do not want this action

Smirking, Yang cracked her knuckles before banging her gauntlets together, thinking that the only power Baku possessed was the one that wiped out grimm.

Ruby: Whispers I get he's kind of a jerk, but please go easy on him, sis! We can't have him too banged up before the fight!

Yang: Sighs, whispers I'll try, but I can't promise anything. This is a looooong time coming.

As Yang prepared her gauntlets for the spar against the feathered male, the rest of the group that wasn't involved in the fight cleared a part of the field so they could fight.

Yang: Growls You ready?

Baku: Really I don't even know what we doing

That was a good enough answer for the blonde bombshell, who rushed at Baku, reeling her arm back to deliver a devastating punch.

Baku: Look, I got the P I R A T E B L A C K

Like his 'FOH 🅱️' power, the bass boost launched Yang back, causing her to slam into a tree and knocking her unconscious.

Ruby: Gasp Oh shoot!

While she rushed over to check on her knocked out sister, Baku made his way over to the other three overpowered jpegs.

Lil Broomstick: What was that homie?

Baku: What?

Bank Bill: He done got a new power. Sound like some bullshit


Lil Broomstick: Ye

Bank Bill: Bruh how else do you think you made that bitch go flying?

Baku: I did that shit?

Tobi: You bout dumb as hell

Bank Bill: If I don't get my second power next mfs is getting C L A P P E D

Baku Takes on BeaconWhere stories live. Discover now